Blockchain Security: Emerging Threats and Countermeasures
Ahmet Okan Arık, Büşra Özdenizci KöseBlockchain is a decentralized ledger technology that records and securely stores transactions. It enables the tracking and verification of transactions between participants securely and transparently without the need for intermediaries like banks or governments. Due to the requiring simultaneously attack multiple blocks, the core structure of the blockchain makes more difficult for attackers to manipulate the data or compromise the system. However, security issues arise with any technology, and blockchain security is still a concern because the technology is not flawless. Therefore, it is essential to be aware of the different types of attacks that could target blockchain systems, such as double spending, eclipse, sybil, 51% attacks and to take security measurements like encryption and multi-factor authentication to strengthen blockchain security. Today, proper key management, regular security audits, and compliance with security standards are critical for ensuring best practices for blockchain security. The future of blockchain presents both potential challenges and opportunities. As blockchain advances, it is critical to be aware of arising security concerns and resolutions to ensure integrity and security for blockchain networks. This book chapter aims to present a comprehensive analysis of blockchain security concepts and explore emerging threats and countermeasures of blockchain security. Various blockchain attacks, security measures, best practices, quantum based cryptography will be presented, along with the challenges and risks behind blockchain technology. The study will provide valuable insights into the development and implementation of blockchain security for the stakeholders, including businesses and policymakers.
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