DOI :10.26650/B/SS52.2021.011.08   IUP :10.26650/B/SS52.2021.011.08    Full Text (PDF)

Russia’s Policy of Proxy War in Syria: Will It Be a Game Changer or Will Naval Power Stay in Mediterranean Waters

Mesut Hakkı Caşın

The development of the Syrian Crisis and seeking for the most suitable solution for it have become complicated and generated different solution problems. The consolidation of political issues in the framework of Iranian, Turkish and Russian cooperation for its Astana process shows just one side of that solution seeking. At the same time, the situation in this region stimulates the participants to reevaluate their policy in Mediterranean Waters as an aim of strategical presence in this sense, Russia decided to cooperate with Turkey, a NATO member since 1952, in its Middle Eastern policy against the United States that controls most of armed opposition troops within Syrian Democratic Forces. Concurrently, the Kurdish People’s Protection Units were also supported by the USA, and that is the reason for the new political challenges in Turkish-American cooperation, both in the framework of NATO and in interstate relations as well. This paper discusses modern Russian-Turkish cooperation regarding the Middle Eastern agenda of the parties, including issues related to the field of study.


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