DOI :10.26650/B/SS52.2021.011.10   IUP :10.26650/B/SS52.2021.011.10    Full Text (PDF)

The Astana Process as an International Platform for Middle Eastern Regional Security: the Russian Mission

Rinat NabievIlsur Nafikov

This chapter deals with the problem of stability in Syria in the wake of the Civil War. The research underlines the main purposes of the Astana Process as being an instrument for regional security. Recent events threaten global security, especially the ones that happened in Syria make cooperations necessary to keep balance in the region. As the conflict started, the main actors were involved in a process and new forms of dialogue and cooperation appeared in international relations. The actors involved in the Syrian crisis had their own interests. According to some NGO’s, the reasons for the Syrian crisis are energy sources and oil in the region. As a result of the Civil War, a prosperous country became a hostage in a world of disasters. The Syrian government is confronted by the political and military opposition and this situation has shown an immaturity, disunity and inconsistency of the government in solving problems. At the same time, it must be said that the opposition is part of the Syrian people, on which the future of the country depends. Currently, the Syrian crisis, despite the decrease in the intensity of fighting, is still far from being resolved. And the Astana process with its new stages appearing should help in resolving this conflict. The Russian Federation, Turkey and the Islamic Republic of Iran became key actors interested in the stabilization of regional confrontation between the government and the opposition forces. The Astana Platform became an instrument of international regional security policy.


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