DOI :10.26650/B/LSB44.2024.037.006   IUP :10.26650/B/LSB44.2024.037.006    Full Text (PDF)

Neuropyschological Assessment

Jbid Dursun UncuHaşim GezegenCharlotte Serrazİbrahim Hakan Gürvit

This chapter delves into the fundamental principles and applications of neuropsychological assessment, a tool pivotal to the quantitative analysis of cognitive function in both clinical and research settings. Neuropsychological assessments provide a method for transforming cognitive outcomes into numerical values, thereby enabling the objective measurement of cognitive deficits and monitoring their progression over time. The discussion covers a broad spectrum of neuropsychological tools, each underpinned by neuropsychological principles. These instruments have found wide utility in the broader neuroscience landscape. In addition, the chapter illuminates various research considerations that establish the role of neuropsychological assessments within the methodological framework of neuroscience. The objective of this chapter is to provide a comprehensive overview of the domain, offering insights into the potential of neuropsychological tools to facilitate neuroscience research and advance clinical practice.


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