DOI :10.26650/B/LSB40.2024.035.15   IUP :10.26650/B/LSB40.2024.035.15    Full Text (PDF)

Accessibility and Usability of Digital Health Services for People with Disabilities

Devrim TarakcıSimay Akdemir

Since there are various definitions and types of disability, the rehabilitation of the limitations and problems that these individuals are facing in their daily lives should be discussed in detail. On the other hand, while the current literature primarily focuses on the use of digital technologies in the rehabilitation of various diseases across various fields, we should also explore and analyze the integration of these systems in the rehabilitation of individuals with disabilities. Digital technologies can improve functionality and quality of life by providing high repetition of exercises, more motivation for participation in therapy, and lower treatment cessation ratios in healthcare. With all these advantages, we can reduce the workload for health personnel, lessen the financial burden, and shorten hospital stays, ultimately leading to improved overall health outcomes. This chapter, based on the aforementioned knowledge, discusses the definition of disability, the primary issues it presents, the barriers and facilitators in rehabilitation, the treatment approaches that can effectively address these issues, the types of digital technologies available, the specific technologies utilized by different groups of disabled individuals, and the latest advancements in the literature.


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