DOI :10.26650/B/LSB40.2024.035.10   IUP :10.26650/B/LSB40.2024.035.10    Full Text (PDF)

Digital Health Entrepreneurship

Yasemin Hancıoğlu Başköy

Developments in information technologies have caused radical changes in the health sector, as in all areas. Digital health involves utilizing information technology and communication tools to share clinical and biomedical data, with the goal of enhancing public health, improving the interaction between doctors and patients, and lowering overall healthcare expenses. Various elements contribute significantly to the proliferation of digital health solutions. These include the rising demand for such innovations, the enhancement of healthcare services’ longevity, the achievement of expedited outcomes, and the optimization of service delivery for greater efficiency. These factors collectively drive the widespread adoption and utilization of digital health applications, ushering in a new era of healthcare delivery and patient outcomes. Formun Üstü Digital entrepreneurship has emerged as a key driver of economic growth, innovation, and job creation in the 21st century. As more and more people around the world gain access to the internet and digital technologies, digital entrepreneurship opportunities continue to increase. Digital entrepreneurship drives innovation by leveraging technological advances to develop new services, products, and business models. Digital health entrepreneurship involves identifying opportunities within the healthcare sector, which often faces challenges related to limited and unregulated resources. The primary objective is to generate value based on user needs by conceptualizing, creating, launching, and managing innovative digital health products, services, and platforms. Digital health entrepreneurship refers to the process of identifying, developing, and implementing innovative business ventures within the digital health sector. Entrepreneurs in this field leverage digital technologies, data analytics, and information systems to create novel solutions that address challenges and inefficiencies in healthcare delivery, management, and patient outcomes. Entrepreneurs in digital health typically focus on developing products, services, or platforms that harness the power of technology to improve various aspects of healthcare. Key elements of digital health entrepreneurship include a strong understanding of healthcare challenges and a creative approach to leveraging. Entrepreneurs in this space need to stay abreast of technological advancements, industry trends, and regulatory changes to navigate the dynamic landscape of digital health. In this section, digital entrepreneurship, digital health, digital health entrepreneurship, the innovation road map in digital health, and the challenges and opportunities faced by digital health entrepreneurs are discussed, and in the conclusion, suggestions are presented for digital health entrepreneurs.


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