Digitalization in Health
Electronic Health Record (EHR) Based Records and Data Management
Sefer Aygün, Yeter Demir UsluThe healthcare industry has undergone a digital transformation with the advent of electronic health records (EHR) and data management systems. EHRs have replaced traditional paper-based records and enable personal and medical information to be shared and stored digitally. EHR systems provide rapid access to patient data and information, allowing for more accurate and effective patient care and a reduction in medical errors. This study aims to examine the historical development, legal infrastructure, standards, and development processes of EHR systems, as well as provide suggestions on how to proceed in the future. EHR systems offer several advantages, including easy access to data, reduced medical and non-medical errors, data integration, and time and cost savings. EHRs can provide alerts and reminders to healthcare professionals about medication use, allergies, side effects, and potential risks. However, it also has drawbacks, such as data security concerns, high startup costs, technology dependency, data integrity concerns, resistance to innovation, and practical training requirements related to EHR systems. Regardless, studies on EHR systems should advance and develop, as their contributions to healthcare services directly impact human health. Therefore, in the future, it is expected that EHR-based records will further develop and healthcare services will be provided more effectively, thanks to systems such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, and big data. As a result, EHR-based records and data management will play a key role in the future transformation of the healthcare industry.