Digitalization in Health
Mobile Health Applications
Emre YılmazTechnological advancements, particularly in areas such as artificial intelligence, big data analytics, and the Internet of Things, have introduced new dimensions to healthcare applications. Mobile health applications play a significant role in the healthcare sector, reflecting the rapid development of technology and digital transformation. AI-supported mobile health applications can analyze patients’ health data, provide personalized recommendations, expedite diagnostic processes, and optimize treatment plans. These applications enable patients to access healthcare services more effectively and personally, leading to profound changes in traditional healthcare service delivery models. The development of these applications contributes to making healthcare more proactive, personalized, and accessible in-patient care. Mobile health applications provide unique advantages in a variety of areas, including patient care, health outcome monitoring, tracking, and health information management. These applications support services like remote health monitoring, telemedicine applications, and health counseling to improve accessibility in healthcare services, overcoming geographical barriers to reach a broader patient base. This is particularly crucial for increasing access to healthcare services for individuals residing in rural areas. Mobile health applications facilitate information sharing among patients, enabling patients to stay informed about their health conditions and share this information with healthcare professionals. Enabling real-time data access for healthcare professionals, including instant data access, patient tracking, treatment planning, and patient interaction, ensures effective and coordinated management of healthcare services. This promotes patient-centered healthcare and facilitates the personalization of treatment processes. In this context, it is evident that there is a need to understand the positive impacts of mobile technology on healthcare services and raise awareness about the expansion and adoption of these applications in the healthcare sector. This section analyzes the role of mobile health applications in healthcare services, addressing the potential to increase patient satisfaction, improve health outcomes, and provide more effective support to healthcare professionals. Additionally, by emphasizing the importance of integrating technology into daily health management processes, the significance of the integration of mobile technology’s comprehensive benefits into sustainable healthcare practices is highlighted. This chapter aims to inform readers about the critical advantages of mobile health applications in the healthcare sector, underscoring the importance of seamlessly integrating the benefits of technology into daily health management processes.