Digitalization in Health
Patient Satisfaction in Digital Health
Yeter Demir Uslu, Büşra SevimThe impact of technological advancements has led to significant changes in the healthcare sector. One of these transformative changes is referred to as digital transformation, characterized by the integration of digital technologies into existing healthcare service delivery processes. This integration aims to foster an effective, efficient, high-quality, and accessible service approach. Digital health not only enables patients to access medical information during healthcare service delivery but also facilitates diagnosis and treatment processes for healthcare service providers. Digital health, through applications such as mobile health apps, monitoring and tracking tools, electronic health records, and telemedicine, aims to enhance the healthcare service delivery process. Digitalization in healthcare represents a transformative process that provides substantial contributions to both patients and healthcare professionals. One significant contribution is the enhancement of patient satisfaction, signifying the patient experience in an environment where healthcare services are supported and improved by digital technology. Digital health applications play a critical role in increasing patient satisfaction. Patient satisfaction involves the active participation of patients in service delivery processes, achieving positive outcomes in treatment processes, increasing trust in healthcare services, and providing patient-focused service delivery in an environment supported and improved by digital technology. While improvements are targeted in healthcare service delivery processes, several factors influencing patient satisfaction need to be considered. These factors include accessibility, personalized healthcare, privacy, technological convenience, communication, monitoring and tracking, information sharing, rapid diagnosis and treatment, and education. Effectively integrating these factors in line with the patient’s needs plays a crucial role in enhancing patient satisfaction in digital health. However, it is of paramount importance to consider privacy, security, and ethical issues throughout this process.