Bacteria of the Sea of Marmara
Gülşen Altuğ, Pelin Saliha Çiftçi TüretkenMarine bacterial components, especially prokaryotes, are important for understanding the impact of anthropogenic pressures on marine environments and for assessing changes in environmental health status. According to scientific and economic criteria, marine microbial components have been reported to be highly effective for detecting the impact of anthropogenic pressures and assessing changes in environmental health status. The stratified water column structure with unique hydrographic characteristics hosts variable phases in terms of bacterial metabolic characteristics, frequency of bacterial metabolic activity, bacterial diversity, bacterial resistivity and decomposition of organic matter in the Sea of Marmara. In this section, the levels of indicator bacteria, frequency of antibiotic resistant bacteria in sea water and supralitoral zone sands, bacterial metabolic activity, mucilage phenomenon -bacterial relationships and bacterial enzyme activities of the Sea of Marmara were detailed. In addition, bacteriology of the Sea of Marmara were evaulated by giving examples from bacteriological pollution studies carried by rivers and ship ballast waters. Bacteriological changes in the Sea of Marmara were evaluated depending on the changing conditions over time, and it was pointed out that the metabolic responses of bacteria to environmental stresses should be evaluated for a better understanding of the marine ecosystem in the process of global climate change as a way to understand the bacteriological signals in the Sea of Marmara.
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