DOI :10.26650/B/LSB21LSB37.2024.023.031   IUP :10.26650/B/LSB21LSB37.2024.023.031    Full Text (PDF)

Guidelines for a Theoretical Ecosystem Model Focusing on the Trophic Status of the Sea of Marmara

Ali Ertürk

 This chapter aims to guide the readers on basic ideas and their implementations how to develop a modelling system for marine ecosystems on the example of the Sea of Marmara. This study does not only intent to report “what to do to reach that aim”, but also intends to illustrate “how to do it”. Aquatic ecosystem modelling is usually a long term study and consists of many steps that include planning, collection of available data, problem analysis, collection of field data, development of theoretical constructs of the model, model implementation, model validation, output processing and integration of model to other components in marine ecosystem resource management such as decision support systems. Some of the methods useful for these steps are already given in this book chapter. Most of the other steps are explained in many books related to water quality or ecosystem modelling, however the theoretical construct and its implementation as a model are usually with little details and users who would like to develop their own marine ecosystem models, when a general marine ecosystem modelling framework lacks the components necessary for their research problems to analyse; have hard time to collect the necessary information, gain the knowledge and access the implementation examples. This chapter aims to help closing this gap. The chapter can be used as a companion for those who study the rest of the book and consider to build their own modelling systems for the Sea of Marmara as well as for those who would like to continue their studies with marine ecosystem modelling based on information gained elsewhere.


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