Macrophytobenthic Diversity of the Marmara Sea
Ergün TaşkınThis study contains a checklist of marine flora from the coasts of the Marmara Sea (Türkiye). A total of 577 marine macrofloral taxa at specific and infraspecific levels (138 brown algae, 324 red algae, 110 green algae, and 5 angiosperms) are reported, 29 of which are regarded as endangered or threatened macroalgae (20 brown algae, 5 red algae, and 4 angiosperms). 32 taxa (12 brown algae, 15 red algae, 5 green algae) are recorded as alien from the Marmara Sea. In the present study, environmental parameters, ecological status (ES), anthropogenic pressures and non-indigenous species (NIS) along with biodiversity are evaluated.
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