Middle–Late Pleistocene Paleoceanographic Evolution of the Marmara Sea and its Watermass Communications with the Aegean Sea and Black Sea: A Review and Synthesis
Ali E. Aksu, Richard N. HıscottAn extensive literature review of the sedimentology, stratigraphy and paleoceanography of the Marmara Spillway indicates that the Strait of Bosphorus was the only route for watermass exchange between the Black Sea and the Marmara Sea during much of the Middle–Late Pleistocene. Restorations based on Late Pleistocene uplift rates across the Armutlu Peninsula suggest that an additional marine connection could have existed during Marine Isotopic Stage (MIS) 13 and older times through the Sakarya Valley. Similar restorations across the Gallipoli and northern Biga Peninsulas indicate that the Strait of Dardanelles was wide and deep during the entire Middle Pleistocene, including MISs 17–6b. Throughout this interval there was unrestricted watermass exchange between the Aegean Sea and the Marmara Sea. Only during and after MIS 6a did the floor of the strait become subaerial at the lowest sea level stands. The floor of the Strait of Dardanelles was below the eustatic sea level during the entire MIS 5 and 3c, but was subaerial during the glacial MISs 4 and 2. Mediterranean watermasses were advected into the Black Sea basin during MISs 17a, 15e, 13a, 11c, 9e, 7e, 7a, 5e, 5c, and 5a. Although suggested by other authors, a similar hydrographic communication was unlikely during MISs 6d and 3c. Because the Marmara Sea was the only possible route for Mediterranean watermasses to enter the Black Sea, the data supporting marine incursions into the latter region also are evidence that Mediterranean watermasses were present in the Marmara Sea during these same times. A relatively smaller number of studies in raised coastal terraces around the Marmara Sea confirm the presence of a Mediterranean watermass in that basin during MISs 7 and 5. The presence of Ponto–Caspian mollusc assemblages in the raised coastal terraces also suggests Black Sea outflow through the Strait of Bosphorus into the Marmara Sea and beyond, such as during the MIS transitions 16/15, 12/11 and 10/9, and possibly 8/7, and 7/6. Mid shelf deltas immediately south of the Bosphorus exit into the Marmara Sea suggest two intervals of Black Sea outflow during the uppermost Pleistocene at the MIS 2/1 transition. During much of the Middle–Late Pleistocene, the mountains extending from the Himalaya to the Taurides of southern Anatolia formed a barrier to central Asian and central/eastern European drainage which was only breached whenever the Marmara Spillway was linked with the Manych–Kerch Spillway and the Turgay–Uzboy Spillway through the Caspian and Black Seas, eventually discharging meltwaters originating from the Altay–Sayan Mountains and the Scandinavian glaciers and ice sheets into the Aegean Sea. A review of the Black Sea literature reveals that there are important inconsistencies and irregularities in the stratigraphic names given to Middle–Upper Pleistocene successions, their chronologies and their correlations with global MISs. These chronostratigraphic difficulties invariably affect the correlations of paleoceanographic events between the Black Sea basin—where there are extensive micropaleontological, stable isotopic, radiometric and sedimentological data sets—and the Marmara Sea basin where there is a notable paucity of such data, particularly in successions older than MIS 3. Concerted efforts are needed in both the Black Sea and the Marmara Sea to recover long uninterrupted stratigraphic records extending into Middle Pleistocene sediments, and to collect high-resolution micropaleontological, stable isotopic and organic and inorganic geochemical data in radiometrically well-dated successions.
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