DOI :10.26650/B/LSB21LSB37.2024.023.021   IUP :10.26650/B/LSB21LSB37.2024.023.021    Full Text (PDF)

Temporal and Spatial Variations of Demersal Macrofauna in the North Eastern Part of the Sea of Marmara

Uğur UzerTaner YıldızNurdan CömertFirdes Saadet Karakulak

 Present study deals with the species compositions of trawl haulings performed between December 2014 and September in the eastern part of the Sea of Marmara. As a result of 177 trawl operations, totally 88 species belonging to 7 taxonomic groups were encountered. Osteichthyes were represented by 42 species, Chondrichthyes by 11 species, Crustacea by 12 species, Echinodermata by 8 species, Cnidaria by 5 species, Mollusca by 6 species, Tunicata by 4 species. For all the studied period, the occurence incidance was 100% for the species Serranus hepatus and Trachurus sp. Among the species, Brissopsis lyrifera (46.6% of all specimens), Parapenaeus longirostris (14.9%), Trachurus sp. (29.5%) and Serranus hepatus (1.9%) were the most dominant species. Maximum species richness, diversity and evenness index values were estimated in the winter periods, whereas the minimum values were determined in spring and summer seasons. SIMPER results indicated an intermediate level of similarity between north and south samples (62.35% and 47.29% for south and north) corresponding to each region group and between group dissimilarities were 51.43%.


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