DOI :10.26650/B/LSB21LSB37.2024.023.007   IUP :10.26650/B/LSB21LSB37.2024.023.007    Full Text (PDF)

The Effect of Terrestrial Inputs on Nutrients Dynamics in the Gulf of Gemli̇k

Muharrem BalcıTurgay DurmuşNeslihan Balkıs Özdelice

 The effect of terrestrial inputs on surface water nutrient dynamics in the Gulf of Gemlik between November 2011 and May 2012 was investigated. During the study, seawater temperature varied between 23.37 ± 1.02 °C (August 2011) and 7.51 ± 0.34 °C (February 2012) in the coastal waters. However, it was recorded between 24.88 ± 0.71 °C (August 2011) and 6.31 ± 2.30 °C (February 2012) in river water. While salinity was between 23.55 ± 1.81 ppt (November 2011) and 18.70 ± 0.17 ppt (February 2012) in coastal waters, it was between 2.70 ± 3.01 (August 2011) and 0.39 ± 0.31 ppt (February 2012) in rivers. The lowest and highest levels of total nitrogen (TN) were 7.35 µg-at N L-1 (August 2011) and 27.77 µg-at N L-1 (November 2011) at the coastal stations, respectively. In river inflows, TN concentration was the highest in November 2011 (67.82 µg-N L-1), whereas it was the lowest (22.96 µg-N L-1) in May 2012. In contrast to TN, while the lowest total phosphorus (TP) value (1.22 µg-at PL-1) was recorded in February 2012, the highest amount (7.59 µg-at P L-1) was recorded in August 2011. The study revealed that TP concentrations in stream inflows reached their highest value with 13.01 µg-at P L-1 in November 2011. The marine ecosystem may be adversely affected by terrestrial nutrient loads transported from agricultural areas and urban areas to the Sea of Marmara via rivers and streams. As these inputs can significantly affect the nutrient dynamics in the Gulf, continuous efforts should be made to identify and prevent terrestrial pollution sources.


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