Using the Metabarcoding Approach for Characterization of Community Diversity in Mucilage in the Sea of Marmara
Onur Doğan, Anıl Doğan Örün, Raşit Bilgin, Melek İşinibilirThe ecological balance of the Marmara Sea has undergone significant changes in the past 50 years due to climate change, eutrophication, overfishing, maritime transport, and habitat destruction. These changes have led to increased algal blooms, periodic formation of mucilage, disappearance of pollution-sensitive species, and a rise in opportunistic and invasive species. Mucilage is a slimy and sticky structure and is belived produced by bacteria and unicellular phytoplanktonic organisms. Research on mucilage mainly focuses on oceanographic conditions, environmental substances/contaminants, and phytoplankton/zooplankton composition. However, limited information exists on mucilage and its components with respect to molecular genetics. This study aimed to analyze the DNA of bacteria, algae (including diatoms), and animal (especially zooplankton) in mucilage samples collected from different stations in the Marmara Sea. Metagenome sequencing and bioinformatics analysis were used to identify the samples. Additionally, water samples were collected from specific stations without mucilage, serving as negative controls. A diverse array of planktonic communities, both prokaryotic and eukaryotic were found in the mucilage samples, which is composed of variety of organisms normally detected in mucilaginous aggregates. Macroalgae and jellyfish were also found in the mucilage samples, and detailed studies on the life cycles of these species and routine monitoring of selected stations are recommended. We emphasize the significance of developing probes specific to mucilage-causing species and the establishing of early warning systems to enable prompt actions by local authorities.
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