DOI :10.26650/B/LSB37LSB23.2024.022.02   IUP :10.26650/B/LSB37LSB23.2024.022.02    Full Text (PDF)

The Use of Phytobenthos in Biological Monitoring

Aydın KaleliReyhan Akçaalan Albay

Diatoms are the microalgae widely present in freshwater and marine environments and they are one of the important components of aquatic ecosystems. In benthos, they play a vital role in being responsible for high rates of photosynthesis and are the main food for higher organisms. Due to their unique characteristics, diatoms are often used as basic indicators for bioassessment. In biomonitoring, diatoms have the advantage of short life spans, and high reproductive rates and can be observed throughout the seasons. Identification of diatoms is based on the structure of valves rather than living cells, which makes diatoms favourable components for interpretation of the benthos. In recent decades, diatoms have become a reliable monitoring tool and have been used by the EU Water Framework Directive to assess the water quality of rivers and lakes in European countries. Several indices have been constructed to determine the pollution-sensitive/tolerant diatom species for European waters, which are still widely used today. Turkey is a rich country in terms of the number of lakes and river basins, but it has recently been under water stress and biomonitoring of freshwater environments has become crucial. In river basin management, diatoms have been successfully used to determine water quality and support other biological components such as phytoplankton, fish and zooplankton.


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