Early Modern Portuguese Cartographic Representations of the Eastern Mediterranean and the Ottoman Empire (1480–1526)
Dejanirah CoutoThis chapter aims to discuss some Portuguese cartographic representations of the Eastern Mediterranean and the Ottoman Empire from the second half of the 15th century until the first decades of the 16th century, a period of cultural, scientific, and technological soaring for Mediterranean and Atlantic societies, generally known as the “era of portolan charts.” To achieve this objective, we must explain how the Portuguese came to map cartographically the Ottoman Empire during this transition period. Therefore, while scrutinizing the possible links between Arabic-Islamic geography of the West of the Iberian Peninsula and the early modern Portuguese cartography, this chapter is divided into three sections: the first one examines the possible links between Arabic-Islamic geography of the Western Iberian peninsula and early modern cartography. It concludes on the importance of the Catalan/Majorcan cartographic school in the production of the first Portuguese nautical charts. Taking into account the Portuguese political presence and economic interests in the East Mediterranean, the second part analyzes the circumstances that enabled the Portuguese to map the Eastern Mediterranean and the Ottoman lands. The third part is dedicated to the early Portuguese nautical charts that sketched the Ottoman Empire, with emphasis on some outstanding cartographic examples: the nautical charts of Jorge de Aguiar (1492), Pedro Reinel (1510), and Francisco Rodrigues (1515); the “Cantino” planisphere (1502); the planisphere of Pedro Reinel (Kunstmann IV, 1519); and the Atlas Miller (1519).
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