DOI :10.26650/B/AH03AH08.2024.039.008   IUP :10.26650/B/AH03AH08.2024.039.008    Full Text (PDF)

Maximus Planudes and Piri Reis: Unusual Approaches on North America and its Baptistery

Patrick B. Shekleton

The 12th century circular stone structure constructed in North America, referred to across history as the ‘Brazile’ (1325, Angelino Dalorto), ‘Lavra’ (1524, Giovanni Verrazano), and ‘Famas Toron’ (1607-09, John Daniel), and known today as the Newport Tower, was a baptistery. Decisive illustrative evidence of the baptistery exists on cartographic works from the 12th century forward. Two Turkish cartographers, the earliest being Maximus Planudes (c. 1260-1310), and later, Piri Reis (c. 1465- 1553), illustrated the North American Baptistery on their respective cartographic works. Planudes’ c. 1300 maps were reconstructions based on the surviving Arabic text manuscripts of the Geographike Hyphegesis (Geography) originally produced in the 2nd century CE by Ptolemy. Planudes illustrated new features, landforms and structure icons, these not written of in Ptolemy’s surviving texts. These additional landforms represented North America and the structure icons represented the baptistery. The additional landforms and icons are present on folios within both the Seragliensis 57 and Vaticanus Urbinas Graecus 82 Geography manuscripts that Planudes produced. Two hundred years after Planudes, on the surviving fragment of his 1513 chart, Piri Reis would illustrate the baptistery on the coastline of North America. Reis’ illustration was drawn within a vignette of a woman situated on the North American landform. This woman, traced across centuries of cartographic illustrations, was the Blessed Mother. The cartographic works of Maximus Planudes and Piri Reis testify to knowledge transmission into the Byzantium and the Ottoman Empire early, and quite detailed, knowledge of North America.


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