DOI :10.26650/B/AA09.2021.009.04   IUP :10.26650/B/AA09.2021.009.04    Full Text (PDF)

Diplomatic and Economic Relations Between Kingdom of Romania and Republic of Turkey During the Atatürk Period (1923-1938)

Liliana Boșcan

The present study aimed to explore the diplomatic and economic relations between the Romania Kingdom and the Republic of Turkey during the Atatürk Period (1923-1938).The first collaboration after the First World War between both states took place during the Lausanne Conference, when Romania sustained the principle of free passage in the Straits. Journal d’Orient noted that during the difficult moments of the conference, Ismet Pasha asked Minister Diamandi to mediate. The Lausanne Treaty was concluded on the 24th of July 1923, while, in the message of congratulations, the Romanian Minister I.Aurelian communicated to the Turkish Foreign Minister that the geographical position of both our countries, their proximity and the Black Sea represent an excellent way of communication between Romania and Turkey, which facilitates the re-establishment and the development of the economical relation. The aim of the Romanian foreign policy was to maintain good relations based on integrity and sovereignty respect with all the countries, which were also some of the purposes of the modern Turkish state, created by Mustafa Kemal. Romania has sustained a diplomatic activity in order to keep contact with the Balkans states and to keep peace in the region. The Friendship, Non-aggression and Conciliation Treaty (October 17, 1933) signed between Romania and Turkey, and the Balkan Pact (February 19, 1934) represent the contribution to the joined effort for the security in the region. The paper is based on unpublished (original) documents found in the Romanian diplomatic archives, the Romanian and the Turkish press, as well as on special and general publications.


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