DOI :10.26650/B/ET06.2020.011.13   IUP :10.26650/B/ET06.2020.011.13    Full Text (PDF)

Data Collection Approaches for Artificial Intelligence Applications in Healthcare

Murat GezerÇiğdem Selçukcan Erol

As in all other fields, research in the field of artificial intelligence is rapidly continuing in the field of health. As a result of this research, the importance of data comes to the fore. In this study, which includes data collection approaches in the field of health, we aim to emphasize the importance of data in this field and to contribute to the more conscious handling of the data to be used in artificial intelligence applications at every stage. For this purpose, the definition of data and how to distinguish information and knowledge are mentioned. The characteristics of data and data collection methods are also mentioned, and an attempt is made to emphasize the importance of health data collection in artificial intelligence research. As a result of this study, we believe that all personnel working in data-related departments and the health field, where the moment is vital, must receive training on collecting, storing, sharing data, and data security in particular. In our study we emphasize that especially the people who produce and consume data must have the awareness and morality for every step of data collection and handling, and that this issue should be prioritized in the field of health.


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