Research Article

DOI :10.26650/4boyut.2024.1449758   IUP :10.26650/4boyut.2024.1449758    Full Text (PDF)

Technology Culture and Digital Minimalism: An Analysis of Generation Z

Esra ŞahinOya Morva

When defining culture as a particular way of life, the technology used has always directly impacted the way of life of the period to which it belongs. Technology has never been as integrated into culture as it is today. Digital technology, with its scope and pervasiveness, is an essential element in all practices in the daily life routine of an ordinary person. The way to exist in social life today depends on mastering the skills for using various digital technologies. The existence of such a social structure that demands and encourages the use of current technology at all levels creates a consciousness that suggests its use to be inevitable. On the other hand, the existence of alternative forms of use in the face of this encompassing nature of technology also needs to be mentioned. This study discusses the concept of digital minimalism, which is considered an alternative form of technology use, and addresses the questions of the reasons why individuals belonging to Generation Z in Türkiye turn to digital minimalism and how they use digital technology within this framework. In line with this, the study conducts in-depth interviews with 20 people (10 males, 10 females) who identify themselves as digital minimalists and analyzes the obtained data using the qualitative content analysis method. As a result, the research observes digital minimalism to have been evaluated and adopted as an alternative to the existing widespread use of technology and found it to include such practices as operating a self-control mechanism regarding the duration and intensity of technology usage, using purpose-oriented platforms, and developing different usage forms regarding the relevant technology or applications’ characteristics.

DOI :10.26650/4boyut.2024.1449758   IUP :10.26650/4boyut.2024.1449758    Full Text (PDF)

Teknoloji̇ Kültürü ve Di̇ji̇tal Mi̇ni̇mali̇zm: Z Kuşağı Üzeri̇ne Analiz

Esra ŞahinOya Morva

Kültürü belirli bir yaşam biçimi olarak tanımladığımızda, kullanılan teknoloji, ait olduğu dönemin kültürü üzerinde her zaman doğrudan bir etkiye sahip olmuştur. Ancak tarihin hiçbir döneminde teknoloji, kültüre, günümüzde olduğu kadar entegre olmamıştır. Bugün dijital teknoloji, kapsamı ve yaygınlığı ile sıradan bir insanın gündelik hayat rutinindeki tüm pratiklerde asli unsurdur. Öyle ki, toplumsal hayatta var olabilmenin yolu çeşitli dijital teknolojileri kullanma becerilerine hakimiyetten geçer. Aktüel teknolojinin kullanımını her düzeyde talep ve teşvik eden böylesi bir toplumsal yapı, onu kullanmayı neredeyse kaçınılmaz kılmaktadır. Öte yandan, teknolojinin bu kuşatıcılığı karşısında alternatif kullanım biçimlerinin varlığından da söz etmek gerekir. Bu çalışma, sözü edilen alternatif kullanımlardan “dijital minimalizme” odaklanarak, Türkiye’de Z Kuşağına mensup bireylerin hangi nedenlerle dijital minimalizme yöneldikleri ve dijital teknolojiyi nasıl kullandıkları sorularına yanıt aramaktadır. Bu doğrultuda, kendini dijital minimalist olarak tanımlayan 20 kişi (10 kadın ve 10 erkek) ile derinlemesine görüşmeler gerçekleştirilmiş, elde edilen veriler niteliksel içerik analizi yöntemi ile analiz edilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda dijital minimalizmin, teknolojinin var olan yaygın kullanım biçimine alternatif olarak değerlendirilip benimsendiği gözlemlenmiştir. Kullanıcıların otokontrol mekanizmalarını da devreye sokarak, teknoloji kullanımlarını farklılaştırdıkları ve sınırladıkları bulgulanmıştır.  


Throughout human history, technology has always been at the center of life, with the ability to make tools as one of the defining characteristics of being human. These tools give direction to the technology of each period. The techniques used and the technologies created also shape the culture of the current era. All these areas, such as the economy, social life, and politics, have been transformed by digital technology. At this point, how much digital technologies surround human life has become clear. Using digital technologies means being involved in life. With the inclusion of information-communication technologies (ICTs) and the Internet in social life, to call the current period the digital age would not be wrong. As digital technologies have developed, the importance of these technologies in human life has progressed to the same extent. The technical developments in the current age, in which people and objects continue their lives in a networked manner, have led to radical changes in lifestyles. The concepts of the digital age and network society refer to a structure in which individuals are constantly interacting through digital technologies and networks. In addition to those who approach this besieged technological society from a positive perspective, critical perspectives also manifest themselves in daily life practices.

Integrating digital technologies without questioning their impact has becoming increasingly common. The prevalent perception among society can be asserted to be that individuals who limit the usage of smartphones and social media operate outside conventional norms. The majority of society has rapidly adapted to the digital world and incorporated these technologies and social media into every aspect of their lives. This overuse brings with it various physical and psychological disorders. In contemporary times where digital technology has become ubiquitous and all-pervasive, certain individuals voluntarily opt to limit their exposure to it in a bid to exercise greater discretion regarding the use of technology. The concept of digital minimalism is used precisely for this situation. Digital minimalism is a philosophy of technology use that guides individuals to make their use of digital technologies and social media more conscious in their own way (Newport, 2022) and is aimed at people who are in a state of constant stimulation from notifications to reduce the stimuli by adopting this lifestyle and to optimize their attention and time by limiting the viewing of unnecessary content on social media.

Based on what has been said, this study focuses on digital minimalism as an alternative way of using digital technology. The study aims to explain why and how individuals voluntarily limit their use of digital technology. In line with this, the qualitative research has been designed based on the two following research questions:

1. How do digital minimalists belonging to Generation Z use digital technologies?

2. Why have these people turned to digital minimalism?

The research uses the in-depth interview method as its data collection method. Within the scope of the research, the study has conducted semi-structured interviews with participants consisting of 10 women and 10 men between the ages of 18-28, with the study’s sample comprised of individuals belonging to Generation Z. Exploring the inclination toward digital minimalism among individuals in Türkiye who were born into the Internet era and have grown up solely in the digital age is considered significant as part of the study. The study seeks answers to these questions through the interviews and, in line with the research questions, has created various codes and categories from the given answers for the qualitative content analysis, which is used to evaluate the data obtained as a result of the in-depth interviews. As a result of the research, the study has learned that some participants do not use social media at all, while others limit their use in their own ways. The results also reveal the reasons that have pushed Generation Z individuals to become digital minimalists to be the artificiality of social media, uninteresting content, and the desire to improve their time management, privacy, and confidentiality.

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Şahin, E., & Morva, O. (2024). Technology Culture and Digital Minimalism: An Analysis of Generation Z. 4. BOYUT Journal of Media and Cultural Studies, 0(24), 21-42.


Şahin E, Morva O. Technology Culture and Digital Minimalism: An Analysis of Generation Z. 4. BOYUT Journal of Media and Cultural Studies. 2024;0(24):21-42.


Şahin, E.; Morva, O. Technology Culture and Digital Minimalism: An Analysis of Generation Z. 4. BOYUT Journal of Media and Cultural Studies, [Publisher Location], v. 0, n. 24, p. 21-42, 2024.

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Şahin, Esra, and Oya Morva. 2024. “Technology Culture and Digital Minimalism: An Analysis of Generation Z.” 4. BOYUT Journal of Media and Cultural Studies 0, no. 24: 21-42.

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Şahin, Esra, and Oya Morva. Technology Culture and Digital Minimalism: An Analysis of Generation Z.” 4. BOYUT Journal of Media and Cultural Studies 0, no. 24 (Mar. 2025): 21-42.

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Şahin, E & Morva, O 2024, 'Technology Culture and Digital Minimalism: An Analysis of Generation Z', 4. BOYUT Journal of Media and Cultural Studies, vol. 0, no. 24, pp. 21-42, viewed 10 Mar. 2025,

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Şahin, E. and Morva, O. (2024) ‘Technology Culture and Digital Minimalism: An Analysis of Generation Z’, 4. BOYUT Journal of Media and Cultural Studies, 0(24), pp. 21-42. (10 Mar. 2025).


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Şahin E, Morva O. Technology Culture and Digital Minimalism: An Analysis of Generation Z. 4. BOYUT Journal of Media and Cultural Studies [Internet]. 10 Mar. 2025 [cited 10 Mar. 2025];0(24):21-42. Available from: doi: 10.26650/4boyut.2024.1449758


Şahin, Esra - Morva, Oya. Technology Culture and Digital Minimalism: An Analysis of Generation Z”. 4. BOYUT Journal of Media and Cultural Studies 0/24 (Mar. 2025): 21-42.


Published Online21.05.2024


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