Research Article

DOI :10.26650/acin.1604272   IUP :10.26650/acin.1604272    Full Text (PDF)

Optimizing the Sentiment Recognition in Spotify Playlists Through Ensemble-Based Approaches

M. Erdem İsenkul

Spotify, with over 320 million monthly active users reported in 2020, offers a unique platform for data science and machine learning applications. This study leverages Spotify’s extensive music library of over 50 million songs to analyze the emotional tone of user-created playlists using machine learning algorithms. By employing advanced classification methods, including Random Forest, Decision Tree, and Support Vector Machines (SVM), the research compares their effectiveness in sentiment classification tasks. The Random Forest model achieved the highest test accuracy of 87%, closely followed by the Decision Tree model at 86%. These results highlight the potential of sentiment-informed data to enhance music recommendation systems by tailoring suggestions to users’ emotional preferences. This work not only contributes to the evolving domain of sentiment-aware recommendation models but also demonstrates the technical challenges and practical implications of applying machine learning in music streaming platforms. The study’s findings underscore the value of integrating emotional intelligence into recommendation algorithms to improve user engagement and satisfaction in digital music services. 

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İsenkul, M.E. (2019). Optimizing the Sentiment Recognition in Spotify Playlists Through Ensemble-Based Approaches. Acta Infologica, 0(0), -.


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İsenkul, M. Erdem,. 2019. “Optimizing the Sentiment Recognition in Spotify Playlists Through Ensemble-Based Approaches.” Acta Infologica 0, no. 0: -.

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İsenkul, M. Erdem,. Optimizing the Sentiment Recognition in Spotify Playlists Through Ensemble-Based Approaches.” Acta Infologica 0, no. 0 (Mar. 2025): -.

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İsenkul, ME 2019, 'Optimizing the Sentiment Recognition in Spotify Playlists Through Ensemble-Based Approaches', Acta Infologica, vol. 0, no. 0, pp. -, viewed 10 Mar. 2025,

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İsenkul, M.E. (2019) ‘Optimizing the Sentiment Recognition in Spotify Playlists Through Ensemble-Based Approaches’, Acta Infologica, 0(0), pp. -. (10 Mar. 2025).


İsenkul, M. Erdem,. Optimizing the Sentiment Recognition in Spotify Playlists Through Ensemble-Based Approaches.” Acta Infologica, vol. 0, no. 0, 2019, pp. -. [Database Container],


İsenkul ME. Optimizing the Sentiment Recognition in Spotify Playlists Through Ensemble-Based Approaches. Acta Infologica [Internet]. 10 Mar. 2025 [cited 10 Mar. 2025];0(0):-. Available from: doi: 10.26650/acin.1604272


İsenkul, M.Erdem. Optimizing the Sentiment Recognition in Spotify Playlists Through Ensemble-Based Approaches”. Acta Infologica 0/0 (Mar. 2025): -.


Published Online26.02.2025


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