Research Article

DOI :10.26650/acin.1451569   IUP :10.26650/acin.1451569    Full Text (PDF)

Redesigning Municipality Logos in the Context of Visual Reading Using Artificial Intelligence

Faruk Dursun

The intensive use of technology in the way of business brings about different applications and usage areas. Artificial intelligence, on the other hand, reveals the last point that technology has reached and expands its usage area daily. Every example of artificial intelligence, which we can define as computer software that emerged to realise human abilities such as thinking, evaluation, problem solving by taking people out of the game or minimising their impact in jobs that technically require human elements, is surprising, and the point it will reach cannot be fully predicted. In this study, it is aimed to analyse the logos of institutions/organisations as their windows to the outside world and the first element that welcomes the audience by using visual reading and redrawing them using three artificial intelligence applications (Midjourney, Stable Diffusion and DALL-E 2). For this purpose, the logos of the 11 municipalities in the Marmara region were included in the scope of this study. When the results were evaluated, it was observed that the new visuals were quite successful. The visual meanings of the original logo were largely included in the new logo. Colours were also used in the new logos in a very close fashion to the original. The Midjourney AI application produced more effective drawings than the other two applications. On the other hand, it was observed that the elements of local culture were excluded from the drawings of the three AI tools.

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Dursun, F. (2024). Redesigning Municipality Logos in the Context of Visual Reading Using Artificial Intelligence. Acta Infologica, 0(0), -.


Dursun F. Redesigning Municipality Logos in the Context of Visual Reading Using Artificial Intelligence. Acta Infologica. 2024;0(0):-.


Dursun, F. Redesigning Municipality Logos in the Context of Visual Reading Using Artificial Intelligence. Acta Infologica, [Publisher Location], v. 0, n. 0, p. -, 2024.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Dursun, Faruk,. 2024. “Redesigning Municipality Logos in the Context of Visual Reading Using Artificial Intelligence.” Acta Infologica 0, no. 0: -.

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Dursun, Faruk,. Redesigning Municipality Logos in the Context of Visual Reading Using Artificial Intelligence.” Acta Infologica 0, no. 0 (Sep. 2024): -.

Harvard: Australian Style

Dursun, F 2024, 'Redesigning Municipality Logos in the Context of Visual Reading Using Artificial Intelligence', Acta Infologica, vol. 0, no. 0, pp. -, viewed 19 Sep. 2024,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Dursun, F. (2024) ‘Redesigning Municipality Logos in the Context of Visual Reading Using Artificial Intelligence’, Acta Infologica, 0(0), pp. -. (19 Sep. 2024).


Dursun, Faruk,. Redesigning Municipality Logos in the Context of Visual Reading Using Artificial Intelligence.” Acta Infologica, vol. 0, no. 0, 2024, pp. -. [Database Container],


Dursun F. Redesigning Municipality Logos in the Context of Visual Reading Using Artificial Intelligence. Acta Infologica [Internet]. 19 Sep. 2024 [cited 19 Sep. 2024];0(0):-. Available from: doi: 10.26650/acin.1451569


Dursun, Faruk. Redesigning Municipality Logos in the Context of Visual Reading Using Artificial Intelligence”. Acta Infologica 0/0 (Sep. 2024): -.


Published Online19.07.2024


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