Review Article

DOI :10.26650/ASE2018422064   IUP :10.26650/ASE2018422064    Full Text (PDF)

Distribution and Diversity of Freshwater Crabs (Decapoda: Brachyura: Potamidae, Gecarcinucidae) in Iranian Inland Waters

Ardavan FarhadiMuzaffer Mustafa Harlıoğlu

This article reviews the current knowledge of primary freshwater crabs (Decapoda, Brachyura) in Iranian inland waters, with the purpose of classifying the exact number of species, the threat status, and their distribution and diversity. Previous studies have reported that Iranian inland waters have eight freshwater crab species and there was no accurate information on the distribution of freshwater crab species in Iran. This review article describes that an additional six freshwater crab species, Potamon gedrosianum, P. magnum, P. mesopotamicum, P. ilam, Sodhiana blanfordi, and S. iranica, are also present in Iran. Therefore, there are 14 freshwater crab species currently known in Iran, which belong to two families (Gecarcinucidae and Potamidae). The genus Potamon is represented by 11 species, and the genus Sodhiana is represented by 3 species (found in south and south east of Iran). In addition, this review presents a distribution map and the possible threats for each species.

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Farhadi, A., & Harlıoğlu, M. (2018). Distribution and Diversity of Freshwater Crabs (Decapoda: Brachyura: Potamidae, Gecarcinucidae) in Iranian Inland Waters. Aquatic Sciences and Engineering, 33(4), 110-116.


Farhadi A, Harlıoğlu M. Distribution and Diversity of Freshwater Crabs (Decapoda: Brachyura: Potamidae, Gecarcinucidae) in Iranian Inland Waters. Aquatic Sciences and Engineering. 2018;33(4):110-116.


Farhadi, A.; Harlıoğlu, M. Distribution and Diversity of Freshwater Crabs (Decapoda: Brachyura: Potamidae, Gecarcinucidae) in Iranian Inland Waters. Aquatic Sciences and Engineering, [Publisher Location], v. 33, n. 4, p. 110-116, 2018.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Farhadi, Ardavan, and Muzaffer Mustafa Harlıoğlu. 2018. “Distribution and Diversity of Freshwater Crabs (Decapoda: Brachyura: Potamidae, Gecarcinucidae) in Iranian Inland Waters.” Aquatic Sciences and Engineering 33, no. 4: 110-116.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Farhadi, Ardavan, and Muzaffer Mustafa Harlıoğlu. Distribution and Diversity of Freshwater Crabs (Decapoda: Brachyura: Potamidae, Gecarcinucidae) in Iranian Inland Waters.” Aquatic Sciences and Engineering 33, no. 4 (Mar. 2025): 110-116.

Harvard: Australian Style

Farhadi, A & Harlıoğlu, M 2018, 'Distribution and Diversity of Freshwater Crabs (Decapoda: Brachyura: Potamidae, Gecarcinucidae) in Iranian Inland Waters', Aquatic Sciences and Engineering, vol. 33, no. 4, pp. 110-116, viewed 13 Mar. 2025,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Farhadi, A. and Harlıoğlu, M. (2018) ‘Distribution and Diversity of Freshwater Crabs (Decapoda: Brachyura: Potamidae, Gecarcinucidae) in Iranian Inland Waters’, Aquatic Sciences and Engineering, 33(4), pp. 110-116. (13 Mar. 2025).


Farhadi, Ardavan, and Muzaffer Mustafa Harlıoğlu. Distribution and Diversity of Freshwater Crabs (Decapoda: Brachyura: Potamidae, Gecarcinucidae) in Iranian Inland Waters.” Aquatic Sciences and Engineering, vol. 33, no. 4, 2018, pp. 110-116. [Database Container],


Farhadi A, Harlıoğlu M. Distribution and Diversity of Freshwater Crabs (Decapoda: Brachyura: Potamidae, Gecarcinucidae) in Iranian Inland Waters. Aquatic Sciences and Engineering [Internet]. 13 Mar. 2025 [cited 13 Mar. 2025];33(4):110-116. Available from: doi: 10.26650/ASE2018422064


Farhadi, Ardavan - Harlıoğlu, Muzaffer Mustafa. Distribution and Diversity of Freshwater Crabs (Decapoda: Brachyura: Potamidae, Gecarcinucidae) in Iranian Inland Waters”. Aquatic Sciences and Engineering 33/4 (Mar. 2025): 110-116.


Published Online15.10.2018


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