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DOI :10.18864/ASE201808   IUP :10.18864/ASE201808    Full Text (PDF)

The New Maximum Length of the Striped Sea Bream (Lithognathus mormyrus L., 1758) in the Black Sea Region

Mehmet Aydın

Thirty-nine fish of the Lithognathus mormyrus species were caught on October 26, 2017 in Fatsa, Ordu with trammel nets set for the sampling of invasive demersal fish in the Black Sea. It was determined that one of the fish that was caught was 30 cm long, 336.39 g, and 7 years old. These measurements make L. mormyrus the largest fish to have been collected in the Black Sea.

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Aydın, M. (2018). The New Maximum Length of the Striped Sea Bream (Lithognathus mormyrus L., 1758) in the Black Sea Region. Aquatic Sciences and Engineering, 33(2), 50-52.


Aydın M. The New Maximum Length of the Striped Sea Bream (Lithognathus mormyrus L., 1758) in the Black Sea Region. Aquatic Sciences and Engineering. 2018;33(2):50-52.


Aydın, M. The New Maximum Length of the Striped Sea Bream (Lithognathus mormyrus L., 1758) in the Black Sea Region. Aquatic Sciences and Engineering, [Publisher Location], v. 33, n. 2, p. 50-52, 2018.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Aydın, Mehmet,. 2018. “The New Maximum Length of the Striped Sea Bream (Lithognathus mormyrus L., 1758) in the Black Sea Region.” Aquatic Sciences and Engineering 33, no. 2: 50-52.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Aydın, Mehmet,. The New Maximum Length of the Striped Sea Bream (Lithognathus mormyrus L., 1758) in the Black Sea Region.” Aquatic Sciences and Engineering 33, no. 2 (Jan. 2025): 50-52.

Harvard: Australian Style

Aydın, M 2018, 'The New Maximum Length of the Striped Sea Bream (Lithognathus mormyrus L., 1758) in the Black Sea Region', Aquatic Sciences and Engineering, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 50-52, viewed 14 Jan. 2025,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Aydın, M. (2018) ‘The New Maximum Length of the Striped Sea Bream (Lithognathus mormyrus L., 1758) in the Black Sea Region’, Aquatic Sciences and Engineering, 33(2), pp. 50-52. (14 Jan. 2025).


Aydın, Mehmet,. The New Maximum Length of the Striped Sea Bream (Lithognathus mormyrus L., 1758) in the Black Sea Region.” Aquatic Sciences and Engineering, vol. 33, no. 2, 2018, pp. 50-52. [Database Container],


Aydın M. The New Maximum Length of the Striped Sea Bream (Lithognathus mormyrus L., 1758) in the Black Sea Region. Aquatic Sciences and Engineering [Internet]. 14 Jan. 2025 [cited 14 Jan. 2025];33(2):50-52. Available from: doi: 10.18864/ASE201808


Aydın, Mehmet. The New Maximum Length of the Striped Sea Bream (Lithognathus mormyrus L., 1758) in the Black Sea Region”. Aquatic Sciences and Engineering 33/2 (Jan. 2025): 50-52.


Published Online14.03.2018


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