Relationship Between Risk Management and Performance in Supply Chain: A Research in Istanbul
Gökhan Yolaç, Ahmet Tuzcuoğlu, Muhammet ŞahinUncertainties and risks have increased within supply chains that are becoming more complex with globalization. As a result of this situation, enterprises are implementing risk management activities to reduce or eliminate the effects of the risks. Firstly, literature review has been done on supply chain performance, risk in the supply chain and objectives of risk management within the scope of this study. In this research, the relationship between supply chain risk management activities and business performance of enterprises is examined. In this context, supply chain risks and the effects of risks have been tried to be determined, and the effect of applied risk management activities on business performance has been investigated. During the data collection process, a total of 369 questionnaires were applied to enterprises operating in Istanbul, and the data obtained were analyzed. As a result of analyses, it was concluded that the risk management activities related to procurement and data processing risks positively affect the instutional performance, and no statistically significant effect was found for demand, logistics and environmental risk management activities. Finally, it has been determined that controlling the risk factors arising from the supply and data processing risk will contribute to the improvement of the supply chain performance of enterprises.
Tedarik Zincirinde Risk Yönetimi ve Performans İlişkisi: İstanbul İlinde Bir Araştırma
Gökhan Yolaç, Ahmet Tuzcuoğlu, Muhammet ŞahinKüreselleşme ile birlikte her geçen gün daha kompleks bir yapı halini alan tedarik zincirleri ile birlikte belirsizlik ve riskler artmaktadır. Bu durumun bir sonucu olarak işletmeler karşılaşmış oldukları risklerin etkilerini azaltmak ya da ortadan kaldırmak için risk yönetim faaliyetleri uygulamaktadır. Bu çalışma kapsamında ilk olarak tedarik zinciri performansı, tedrarik zincirinde risk ve risk yönetiminin amaçları konularında literatür taraması yapılmıştır. Bu araştırmada işletmelerin tedarik zinciri risk yönetim faaliyetleri ile işletme performansı arasındaki ilişki incelenmiştir. Bu bağlamda tedarik zinciri riskleri ile risklerin etki dereceleri belirlenmeye çalışılmış ve uygulanan risk yönetim faaliyetlerinin işletme performansına etkisi araştırılmıştır. Veri toplama sürecinde, İstanbul ilinde faaliyet gösteren farklı sektörden işletmelere toplam 369 adet anket uygulanmış ve elde edilen veriler analiz edilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda elde edilen bulgular ile yapılan analizler neticesinde tedarik kaynaklı ve bilgi işlem kaynaklı risklere yönelik risk yönetim faaliyetlerinin işletme performansını olumlu yönde etkilediği sonucuna ulaşılmış olup talep kaynaklı, lojistik kaynaklı ve çevresel kaynaklı riskler için istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir etki bulunamamıştır. Elde edilen bu bulgulara göre, tedarik kaynaklı risk faktörlerinin ve bilgi işlem kaynaklı risk faktörlerinin kontrol edilmesi işletmelerin tedarik zinciri performanslarını arttırmalarına önemli katkı sunucağı görülmüştür.
Uncertainties and risks have increased within supply chains that are becoming more complex with globalization. As a result of this situation, enterprises are implementing risk management activities to reduce or eliminate the effects of the risks. The supply chain performance evaluation system represents a formal and systematic approach for companies to monitor and evaluate the supply chain performance. Modern performance measurement techniques include many performance measurement criteria under the main criteria of “efficiency”, and “efficiency” which will be more beneficial in the long run. The concept of risk is defined in the literature as the likelihood of a situation that may lead to loss or damage. The difference between the concepts of risk and uncertainty is that it is given together with the probabilities of possible events that may occur in the future. Supply chain risks are examined under the titles of demand risks, supply risks, logistics risks, IT risks and environmental risks. Risk management in the supply chain, is defined as “management of supply chain risks through coordination and cooperation among supply chain stakeholders to ensure efficiency and continuity”. It has been determined that failure to manage supply chain risks effectively can have serious negative consequences for companies. These risks include many factors such as reduced product quality, damage to equipment and materials, delays in delivery times, and loss of reputation among customers, suppliers and the public. The main purpose of supply chain risk management is to define the sources of risk and identify what causes the risks, and to create a model for analyzing the possible effects on the enterprise when risks occur. It should also analyze risk sources, and determine the likelihood of these risks and provide an appropriate solution to mitigate their impact. One of the main objectives of supply chain risk management is to minimize the possibility of risks occurring and to prevent situations that may result in waste of raw materials, production errors and high material losses before they occur. Firstly, a literature review has been done on supply chain performance, risk in the supply chain and objectives of risk management within the scope of this study. In this research, the relationship between supply chain risk management activities and business performance of enterprises is examined. In this context, supply chain risks and the effects of risks have been tried to be determined, and the effect of applied risk management activities on business performance has been investigated. Punniyamoorthy, Thamaraiselvan and Manikandan’s scale (developed in 2013) to measure “supply chain risk types”; and for “the supply chain performance” evaluation, the scales from Tao’s 2009 study were used in this research. During the data collection process, a total of 369 questionnaires were applied to enterprises operating in Istanbul, and the data obtained were analyzed. When the companies participating in the research are examined; 165 companies (46.6%) are active in the textile sector. While the number of companies operating in the service sector is 48 (13%), 25 companies (6.8%) are in logistics and 22 companies (6%) are in the food sector. Other than this, 100 enterprises (28.2%) operate in many different fields, such as construction, automotive, health care, and 9 of the participants left this question unanswered. As a result of the analysis, it was found that the factors related to supply, logistics, data processing and environmental risks were highly reliable, and the demand-based risks scale was found to be very reliable. As a result of analyses, it was concluded that risk management activities related to procurement and data processing risks positively affect the instutional performance, and no statistically significant effect was found for demand, logistics and environmental risk management activities. Finally, it has been determined that controlling the risk factors arising from the supply and data processing risk will contribute to the improvement of the supply chain performance of enterprises. Considering all these results obtained from literature review and researches conducted on the supply chain management in risk management and performance issues; risk management activities have an impact on the supply chain performance and, therefore, on the overall performance of the enterprise. For this reason, in today’s business life, where competition conditions are getting more and more difficult day by day, it can be stated that risk management is critical for enterprises to create an effective and efficient supply chain and to maintain their assets successfully.