Case Report

DOI :10.17096/jiufd.85819   IUP :10.17096/jiufd.85819    Full Text (PDF)


Mert TayşiCem ÖzdenAbdülkadir Burak ÇankayaSami YıldırımLevent Bilgiç

Dentigerous cyts are form of benevolent odontogenic cyts which are related to crowns of permament teeth. Often, they are described as unilocular radiolucent lesions and barely seen in childhood era. This article aims to show a case about 11 year old boy having a dentigerous cyst associated with the mandibular canine and a premolar. Extraction of the primary molars and marsupialization of the lesion is also included in this method of treatment. After 9 monts of the treatment, impacted teeth spontaneously erupted. Therefore, if we aim to manage of dentigerous cysts in children conservatively, marsupialization might be considered as first and foremost treatment method.

DOI :10.17096/jiufd.85819   IUP :10.17096/jiufd.85819    Full Text (PDF)

11 Yaşındaki Hastada Büyük Bir Dentigeröz Kistin Konservatif Yaklaşımla Tedavisi

Mert TayşiCem ÖzdenAbdülkadir Burak ÇankayaSami YıldırımLevent Bilgiç

Dentigeröz kistler daimi dişlerin kuronlarını içine alan iyi huylu odontojenik kistlerdir. çocukluk döneminde seyrek olarak saptanırlar ve radyografik görüntüleri üniloküler lezyon görünümündedir. Bu makalenin amacı 11 yaşında erkek çocukta mandibular kanin ve premolar dişleri etkileyen dentigeröz kist olgusunu bildirmektir. Tedavide süt molar dişin çekimi ve dentigeröz kistin marsupializasyonu yapılmıştır. 9 aylık takip sonrasında gömük mandibular kanin ve molar dişin kendiliğinden sürdüğü gözlemlenmiştir. Çocuklarda marsupializasyon dentigeröz kistlerin konservatif tedavisinde ilk seçenek olarak düşünülmelidir.

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Tayşi, M., Özden, C., Çankaya, A.B., Yıldırım, S., & Bilgiç, L. (2016). CONSERVATIVE APPROACH TO A LARGE DENTIGEROUS CYST IN AN 11-YEAR-OLD PATIENT. European Oral Research, 50(3), 51-56.


Tayşi M, Özden C, Çankaya A B, Yıldırım S, Bilgiç L. CONSERVATIVE APPROACH TO A LARGE DENTIGEROUS CYST IN AN 11-YEAR-OLD PATIENT. European Oral Research. 2016;50(3):51-56.


Tayşi, M.; Özden, C.; Çankaya, A.B.; Yıldırım, S.; Bilgiç, L. CONSERVATIVE APPROACH TO A LARGE DENTIGEROUS CYST IN AN 11-YEAR-OLD PATIENT. European Oral Research, [Publisher Location], v. 50, n. 3, p. 51-56, 2016.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Tayşi, Mert, and Cem Özden and Abdülkadir Burak Çankaya and Sami Yıldırım and Levent Bilgiç. 2016. “CONSERVATIVE APPROACH TO A LARGE DENTIGEROUS CYST IN AN 11-YEAR-OLD PATIENT.” European Oral Research 50, no. 3: 51-56.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Tayşi, Mert, and Cem Özden and Abdülkadir Burak Çankaya and Sami Yıldırım and Levent Bilgiç. CONSERVATIVE APPROACH TO A LARGE DENTIGEROUS CYST IN AN 11-YEAR-OLD PATIENT.” European Oral Research 50, no. 3 (Mar. 2025): 51-56.

Harvard: Australian Style

Tayşi, M & Özden, C & Çankaya, AB & Yıldırım, S & Bilgiç, L 2016, 'CONSERVATIVE APPROACH TO A LARGE DENTIGEROUS CYST IN AN 11-YEAR-OLD PATIENT', European Oral Research, vol. 50, no. 3, pp. 51-56, viewed 12 Mar. 2025,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Tayşi, M. and Özden, C. and Çankaya, A.B. and Yıldırım, S. and Bilgiç, L. (2016) ‘CONSERVATIVE APPROACH TO A LARGE DENTIGEROUS CYST IN AN 11-YEAR-OLD PATIENT’, European Oral Research, 50(3), pp. 51-56. (12 Mar. 2025).


Tayşi, Mert, and Cem Özden and Abdülkadir Burak Çankaya and Sami Yıldırım and Levent Bilgiç. CONSERVATIVE APPROACH TO A LARGE DENTIGEROUS CYST IN AN 11-YEAR-OLD PATIENT.” European Oral Research, vol. 50, no. 3, 2016, pp. 51-56. [Database Container],


Tayşi M, Özden C, Çankaya AB, Yıldırım S, Bilgiç L. CONSERVATIVE APPROACH TO A LARGE DENTIGEROUS CYST IN AN 11-YEAR-OLD PATIENT. European Oral Research [Internet]. 12 Mar. 2025 [cited 12 Mar. 2025];50(3):51-56. Available from: doi: 10.17096/jiufd.85819


Tayşi, Mert - Özden, Cem - Çankaya, AbdülkadirBurak - Yıldırım, Sami - Bilgiç, Levent. CONSERVATIVE APPROACH TO A LARGE DENTIGEROUS CYST IN AN 11-YEAR-OLD PATIENT”. European Oral Research 50/3 (Mar. 2025): 51-56.


Published Online03.10.2016


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