Research Article

DOI :10.26650/eor.20190050   IUP :10.26650/eor.20190050    Full Text (PDF)

Effect of different water-to-powder ratios on the dimensional stability and compressive strength of mineral aggregate-based cements

Eduardo Antunes BortoluzziTcheli Cassel de araujoAna Carolina Corrêa NéisMichelli Cássia dos santosLucas da fonseca roberti GarciaBeatriz Dulcineia Mendes SouzaCleonice da silveira Teixeria

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of different water-to-powder ratios on the dimensional stability and compressive strength of Portland cement and Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA). 

Materials and Methods 
Five different volumes of distilled water (0.26; 0.28; 0.30; 0.33 and 0.35 mL) were used for every 1 g of the cements. Twelve samples (12 mm long x 6 mm in diameter) were prepared in Teflon molds. After measuring the initial length, the specimens were stored in distilled water for 24 hours or 30 days. At the end of these time intervals, the specimens were measured again, and the dimensional change was calculated. The same samples used in the previous test were submitted to compression in a universal test machine (1 mm/min-1). 

Analysis of the dimensional stability results showed no statistical difference between the cements, proportions and time intervals tested, or between their interactions. After 24 hours, MTA was more resistant than Portland cement (p<0.05). At 30 day-period, both cements had similar, and significantly higher resistance than they did at 24 hours (p<0.05). 

The powder/water ratio had no influence on the dimensional stability of cements. Compressive strength of Portland cement was affected at the proportions of 0.30 and 0.35 mL/g. 

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Bortoluzzi, E.A., Cassel de araujo, T., Corrêa Néis, A.C., Cássia dos santos, M., Garcia, L., Mendes Souza, B.D., & Teixeria, C. (2019). Effect of different water-to-powder ratios on the dimensional stability and compressive strength of mineral aggregate-based cements. European Oral Research, 53(2), 94-98.


Bortoluzzi E A, Cassel de araujo T, Corrêa Néis A C, Cássia dos santos M, Garcia L, Mendes Souza B D, Teixeria C. Effect of different water-to-powder ratios on the dimensional stability and compressive strength of mineral aggregate-based cements. European Oral Research. 2019;53(2):94-98.


Bortoluzzi, E.A.; Cassel de araujo, T.; Corrêa Néis, A.C.; Cássia dos santos, M.; Garcia, L.; Mendes Souza, B.D.; Teixeria, C. Effect of different water-to-powder ratios on the dimensional stability and compressive strength of mineral aggregate-based cements. European Oral Research, [Publisher Location], v. 53, n. 2, p. 94-98, 2019.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Bortoluzzi, Eduardo Antunes, and Tcheli Cassel de araujo and Ana Carolina Corrêa Néis and Michelli Cássia dos santos and Lucas da fonseca roberti Garcia and Beatriz Dulcineia Mendes Souza and Cleonice da silveira Teixeria. 2019. “Effect of different water-to-powder ratios on the dimensional stability and compressive strength of mineral aggregate-based cements.” European Oral Research 53, no. 2: 94-98.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Bortoluzzi, Eduardo Antunes, and Tcheli Cassel de araujo and Ana Carolina Corrêa Néis and Michelli Cássia dos santos and Lucas da fonseca roberti Garcia and Beatriz Dulcineia Mendes Souza and Cleonice da silveira Teixeria. Effect of different water-to-powder ratios on the dimensional stability and compressive strength of mineral aggregate-based cements.” European Oral Research 53, no. 2 (Sep. 2024): 94-98.

Harvard: Australian Style

Bortoluzzi, EA & Cassel de araujo, T & Corrêa Néis, AC & Cássia dos santos, M & Garcia, L & Mendes Souza, BD & Teixeria, C 2019, 'Effect of different water-to-powder ratios on the dimensional stability and compressive strength of mineral aggregate-based cements', European Oral Research, vol. 53, no. 2, pp. 94-98, viewed 16 Sep. 2024,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Bortoluzzi, E.A. and Cassel de araujo, T. and Corrêa Néis, A.C. and Cássia dos santos, M. and Garcia, L. and Mendes Souza, B.D. and Teixeria, C. (2019) ‘Effect of different water-to-powder ratios on the dimensional stability and compressive strength of mineral aggregate-based cements’, European Oral Research, 53(2), pp. 94-98. (16 Sep. 2024).


Bortoluzzi, Eduardo Antunes, and Tcheli Cassel de araujo and Ana Carolina Corrêa Néis and Michelli Cássia dos santos and Lucas da fonseca roberti Garcia and Beatriz Dulcineia Mendes Souza and Cleonice da silveira Teixeria. Effect of different water-to-powder ratios on the dimensional stability and compressive strength of mineral aggregate-based cements.” European Oral Research, vol. 53, no. 2, 2019, pp. 94-98. [Database Container],


Bortoluzzi EA, Cassel de araujo T, Corrêa Néis AC, Cássia dos santos M, Garcia L, Mendes Souza BD, Teixeria C. Effect of different water-to-powder ratios on the dimensional stability and compressive strength of mineral aggregate-based cements. European Oral Research [Internet]. 16 Sep. 2024 [cited 16 Sep. 2024];53(2):94-98. Available from: doi: 10.26650/eor.20190050


Bortoluzzi, EduardoAntunes - Cassel de araujo, Tcheli - Corrêa Néis, AnaCarolina - Cássia dos santos, Michelli - Garcia, Lucas da fonseca roberti - Mendes Souza, BeatrizDulcineia - Teixeria, Cleonice da silveira. Effect of different water-to-powder ratios on the dimensional stability and compressive strength of mineral aggregate-based cements”. European Oral Research 53/2 (Sep. 2024): 94-98.


Published Online27.05.2019


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