Effect of surface sealant on the surface roughness of different composites and evaluation of their microhardness
Özge Gürbüz, Aylin Çilingir, Benin Dikmen, Alev Özsoy, Meltem Mert EsenPurpose The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of a surface sealant on the surface roughness of different composites and compare their microhardness values. Materials and Methods Sixty disc-shaped specimens were prepared and assigned to 6 groups (n =10). Groups were prepared as follows; Group 1 (Herculite XRV Ultra), Group 2 (Beautifil Bulk Restorative) and Group 3 (Filtek Bulk Fill Posterior Restorative). Groups 4, 5, and 6 were prepared by applying a surface sealant (BisCover LV) on the specimens in groups 1, 2 and 3. Surface hardness of the discs in group 1, 2, and 3 and surface roughness of the discs in all groups were measured using the Vickers hardness test and a profilometer, respectively. One-way ANOVA was used to test for differences among the groups. Results No significant differences were observed in the microhardness and roughness between the experimental and control groups for each restorative materials. Group 3 showed the highest surface hardness and group 4 showed the lowest surface roughness values. Conclusion Using the BisCover LV resin after the polishing step has no significant effect on the surface roughness. The highest hardness values were obtained for the Filtek Bulk Fill Posterior Restorative after the polishing step. The smoothest surfaces were obtained for all experimental groups using the BisCover LV resin after the polishing step, Herculite XRV Ultra showed lower average roughness values than the other materials. Keywords: Roughness; microhardness; resin composite; surface sealant; mechanical properties
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Gürbüz, Ö., Çilingir, A., Dikmen, B., Özsoy, A., & Mert Esen, M. (2020). Effect of surface sealant on the surface roughness of different composites and evaluation of their microhardness. European Oral Research, 54(1), 1-8. https://doi.org/10.26650/eor.20200020
Gürbüz Ö, Çilingir A, Dikmen B, Özsoy A, Mert Esen M. Effect of surface sealant on the surface roughness of different composites and evaluation of their microhardness. European Oral Research. 2020;54(1):1-8. https://doi.org/10.26650/eor.20200020
Gürbüz, Ö.; Çilingir, A.; Dikmen, B.; Özsoy, A.; Mert Esen, M. Effect of surface sealant on the surface roughness of different composites and evaluation of their microhardness. European Oral Research, [Publisher Location], v. 54, n. 1, p. 1-8, 2020.
Chicago: Author-Date Style
Gürbüz, Özge, and Aylin Çilingir and Benin Dikmen and Alev Özsoy and Meltem Mert Esen. 2020. “Effect of surface sealant on the surface roughness of different composites and evaluation of their microhardness.” European Oral Research 54, no. 1: 1-8. https://doi.org/10.26650/eor.20200020
Chicago: Humanities Style
Gürbüz, Özge, and Aylin Çilingir and Benin Dikmen and Alev Özsoy and Meltem Mert Esen. “Effect of surface sealant on the surface roughness of different composites and evaluation of their microhardness.” European Oral Research 54, no. 1 (Mar. 2025): 1-8. https://doi.org/10.26650/eor.20200020
Harvard: Australian Style
Gürbüz, Ö & Çilingir, A & Dikmen, B & Özsoy, A & Mert Esen, M 2020, 'Effect of surface sealant on the surface roughness of different composites and evaluation of their microhardness', European Oral Research, vol. 54, no. 1, pp. 1-8, viewed 14 Mar. 2025, https://doi.org/10.26650/eor.20200020
Harvard: Author-Date Style
Gürbüz, Ö. and Çilingir, A. and Dikmen, B. and Özsoy, A. and Mert Esen, M. (2020) ‘Effect of surface sealant on the surface roughness of different composites and evaluation of their microhardness’, European Oral Research, 54(1), pp. 1-8. https://doi.org/10.26650/eor.20200020 (14 Mar. 2025).
Gürbüz, Özge, and Aylin Çilingir and Benin Dikmen and Alev Özsoy and Meltem Mert Esen. “Effect of surface sealant on the surface roughness of different composites and evaluation of their microhardness.” European Oral Research, vol. 54, no. 1, 2020, pp. 1-8. [Database Container], https://doi.org/10.26650/eor.20200020
Gürbüz Ö, Çilingir A, Dikmen B, Özsoy A, Mert Esen M. Effect of surface sealant on the surface roughness of different composites and evaluation of their microhardness. European Oral Research [Internet]. 14 Mar. 2025 [cited 14 Mar. 2025];54(1):1-8. Available from: https://doi.org/10.26650/eor.20200020 doi: 10.26650/eor.20200020
Gürbüz, Özge - Çilingir, Aylin - Dikmen, Benin - Özsoy, Alev - Mert Esen, Meltem. “Effect of surface sealant on the surface roughness of different composites and evaluation of their microhardness”. European Oral Research 54/1 (Mar. 2025): 1-8. https://doi.org/10.26650/eor.20200020