Case Report

DOI :10.17096/jiufd.57173   IUP :10.17096/jiufd.57173    Full Text (PDF)


Bebek Serra Oğuz - AhmetGülsüm Sayın - ÖzelHilal Uslu Toygar

The etiology of marginal bone loss around osseointegrated implants is primarily based on the biomechanical and/or microbial factors. If stresses and strains around dental implants under functional loading conditions are expected to exceed the physiologic tolerance thresholds of the alveolar bone, the fixed hybrid prosthesis might be a more reliable treatment of choice instead of fixed metal ceramic restorations. The purpose of this article is to report the 1-year follow-up of the periodontal and prosthetic rehabilitation of a patient who has presented with symptoms of peri-implantitis due to incorrectly planned implant supported fixed metal ceramic bridge which was later replaced with screw-retained hybrid prosthesis following the treatment of peri-implant defects. Treatment helped to maintain patient’s self-confidence and comfort, as well as favorable masticatory function. Rehabilitation with screw retained hybrid prosthesis is an ideal treatment of choice for maxillomandibular skeletal discrepancies.

DOI :10.17096/jiufd.57173   IUP :10.17096/jiufd.57173    Full Text (PDF)

Peri-İmplant Defektlerinin Tedavisini Takiben Yapılan Vida Retansiyonlu Bir Hibrid Protez: Olgu Bildirisi

Bebek Serra Oğuz - AhmetGülsüm Sayın - ÖzelHilal Uslu Toygar

Osseointegre implantların etrafındaki kemik kaybının etyolojisi, primer olarak biyomekanik ve/veya mikrobiyal faktörlere dayanır. İnsan çene kemiklerinde oluşan gerilme ve gerilim kuvvetlerinin fizyolojik tolerans eşiğinin üstünde olduğu durumlarda; sabit metal seramik restorasyonların yerine, sabit hibrid protezler daha güvenilir bir tedavi seçeneği olabilir. Bu olgu bildirisinin amacı, yanlış olarak planlanmış implant destekli sabit bir metal seramik köprüye sahip olan ve mevcut implantlarında peri-implantitis bulunan bir hastanın; peri-implant defektlerinin tedavisi sonrasında periodontal ve protetik rehabilitasyonun 1 yıllık takibini sunmaktır. Yapılan tedavi, hastanın hem özgüveninin ve rahatının kazandırılmasını, hem de etkili bir çiğneme fonksiyonuna sahip olmasını sağlamıştır. Vida retansiyonlu hibrid protezler ile yapılan oral rehabilitasyon, maksillomandibular iskeletsel malokluzyonlar için ideal bir tedavi seçeneğidir.

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Oğuz - Ahmet, B.S., Sayın - Özel, G., & Uslu Toygar, H. (2016). FABRICATION OF A SCREW-RETAINED HYBRID PROSTHESIS FOLLOWING TREATMENT OF PERI-IMPLANT DEFECTS: A CASE REPORT. European Oral Research, 50(3), 57-61.




Oğuz - Ahmet, B.S.; Sayın - Özel, G.; Uslu Toygar, H. FABRICATION OF A SCREW-RETAINED HYBRID PROSTHESIS FOLLOWING TREATMENT OF PERI-IMPLANT DEFECTS: A CASE REPORT. European Oral Research, [Publisher Location], v. 50, n. 3, p. 57-61, 2016.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Oğuz - Ahmet, Bebek Serra, and Gülsüm Sayın - Özel and Hilal Uslu Toygar. 2016. “FABRICATION OF A SCREW-RETAINED HYBRID PROSTHESIS FOLLOWING TREATMENT OF PERI-IMPLANT DEFECTS: A CASE REPORT.” European Oral Research 50, no. 3: 57-61.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Oğuz - Ahmet, Bebek Serra, and Gülsüm Sayın - Özel and Hilal Uslu Toygar. FABRICATION OF A SCREW-RETAINED HYBRID PROSTHESIS FOLLOWING TREATMENT OF PERI-IMPLANT DEFECTS: A CASE REPORT.” European Oral Research 50, no. 3 (Mar. 2025): 57-61.

Harvard: Australian Style

Oğuz - Ahmet, BS & Sayın - Özel, G & Uslu Toygar, H 2016, 'FABRICATION OF A SCREW-RETAINED HYBRID PROSTHESIS FOLLOWING TREATMENT OF PERI-IMPLANT DEFECTS: A CASE REPORT', European Oral Research, vol. 50, no. 3, pp. 57-61, viewed 12 Mar. 2025,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Oğuz - Ahmet, B.S. and Sayın - Özel, G. and Uslu Toygar, H. (2016) ‘FABRICATION OF A SCREW-RETAINED HYBRID PROSTHESIS FOLLOWING TREATMENT OF PERI-IMPLANT DEFECTS: A CASE REPORT’, European Oral Research, 50(3), pp. 57-61. (12 Mar. 2025).


Oğuz - Ahmet, Bebek Serra, and Gülsüm Sayın - Özel and Hilal Uslu Toygar. FABRICATION OF A SCREW-RETAINED HYBRID PROSTHESIS FOLLOWING TREATMENT OF PERI-IMPLANT DEFECTS: A CASE REPORT.” European Oral Research, vol. 50, no. 3, 2016, pp. 57-61. [Database Container],


Oğuz - Ahmet BS, Sayın - Özel G, Uslu Toygar H. FABRICATION OF A SCREW-RETAINED HYBRID PROSTHESIS FOLLOWING TREATMENT OF PERI-IMPLANT DEFECTS: A CASE REPORT. European Oral Research [Internet]. 12 Mar. 2025 [cited 12 Mar. 2025];50(3):57-61. Available from: doi: 10.17096/jiufd.57173


Oğuz - Ahmet, BebekSerra - Sayın - Özel, Gülsüm - Uslu Toygar, Hilal. FABRICATION OF A SCREW-RETAINED HYBRID PROSTHESIS FOLLOWING TREATMENT OF PERI-IMPLANT DEFECTS: A CASE REPORT”. European Oral Research 50/3 (Mar. 2025): 57-61.


Published Online03.10.2016


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