Elluru Venkatesh, Snehal Venkatesh ElluruKeywords
Konik Işınlı Bilgisayarlı Tomografinin Temel Kavramları ve Dişhekimliğindeki Kullanım Alanları
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Venkatesh, E., & Elluru, S.V. (0001). CONE BEAM COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY: BASICS AND APPLICATIONS IN DENTISTRY. European Oral Research, 51(3), 102-121.
Venkatesh E, Elluru S V. CONE BEAM COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY: BASICS AND APPLICATIONS IN DENTISTRY. European Oral Research. 0001;51(3):102-121.
Venkatesh, E.; Elluru, S.V. CONE BEAM COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY: BASICS AND APPLICATIONS IN DENTISTRY. European Oral Research, [Publisher Location], v. 51, n. 3, p. 102-121, 0001.
Chicago: Author-Date Style
Venkatesh, Elluru, and Snehal Venkatesh Elluru. 0001. “CONE BEAM COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY: BASICS AND APPLICATIONS IN DENTISTRY.” European Oral Research 51, no. 3: 102-121.
Chicago: Humanities Style
Venkatesh, Elluru, and Snehal Venkatesh Elluru. “CONE BEAM COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY: BASICS AND APPLICATIONS IN DENTISTRY.” European Oral Research 51, no. 3 (Feb. 2025): 102-121.
Harvard: Australian Style
Venkatesh, E & Elluru, SV 0001, 'CONE BEAM COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY: BASICS AND APPLICATIONS IN DENTISTRY', European Oral Research, vol. 51, no. 3, pp. 102-121, viewed 22 Feb. 2025,
Harvard: Author-Date Style
Venkatesh, E. and Elluru, S.V. (0001) ‘CONE BEAM COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY: BASICS AND APPLICATIONS IN DENTISTRY’, European Oral Research, 51(3), pp. 102-121. (22 Feb. 2025).
Venkatesh, Elluru, and Snehal Venkatesh Elluru. “CONE BEAM COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY: BASICS AND APPLICATIONS IN DENTISTRY.” European Oral Research, vol. 51, no. 3, 0001, pp. 102-121. [Database Container],
Venkatesh E, Elluru SV. CONE BEAM COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY: BASICS AND APPLICATIONS IN DENTISTRY. European Oral Research [Internet]. 22 Feb. 2025 [cited 22 Feb. 2025];51(3):102-121. Available from: doi: 10.17096/jiufd.00289
Venkatesh, Elluru - Elluru, SnehalVenkatesh. “CONE BEAM COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY: BASICS AND APPLICATIONS IN DENTISTRY”. European Oral Research 51/3 (Feb. 2025): 102-121.