Case Report

DOI :10.17096/jiufd.99328   IUP :10.17096/jiufd.99328    Full Text (PDF)


Taha Emre KöseOnur Dinçer KöseMehmet Ali ErdemAbdülkadir Burak Çankayaİlknur Özcan

Fibrous dysplasia (FD) is a bone disorder in which fibrous tissue replaces normal bone. FD can be monostotic (10%–25%) or polyostotic (50–90%) and is typically diagnosed accidentally on radiographs. Craniofacial lesions are typically unilateral and are diagnosed by clinical assessment and radiographic evaluation. This report describes the case of a 50-yearold female patient who had presented with painless swelling of the right maxilla and was diagnosed with FD. Subsequent bone scintigraphy identified the lesion as monostotic. Based on the patient’s age and the radiographic data, contour correction was performed. However, 1 year after surgery, the lesion regrew and the treatment was repeated.

DOI :10.17096/jiufd.99328   IUP :10.17096/jiufd.99328    Full Text (PDF)


Taha Emre KöseOnur Dinçer KöseMehmet Ali ErdemAbdülkadir Burak Çankayaİlknur Özcan

Fibröz displazi(FD), normal kemik dokusunun yerini fibröz dokunun aldığı bir kemik hastalığıdır. Monostatik ve poliostotik formlarda gözlenebilir. Genellikle rastlantısal olarak tespit edilen fibröz displazi lezyonları, radyografilerde buzlu cam görüntüsüne neden olur. Kraniofasiyal bölgede genellikle tek taraflıdır. Kraniofasyal FD’ lerin %10-25’i monostatik formda %50-90’ı polyostatik formdadır. Klinik ve radyografik değerlendirme ile ön tanısı konulabilir. Bu olguda sağ maksiller alanda ağrısız bir şişlik şikayeti bulunan ve fibröz displazi ön tanısı koyulan 50 yaşındaki hasta değerlendirildi. Hastanın kemik sintigrafisi neticesinde fibröz displazinin monostatik form olduğu tespit edildi. Hastanın yaşı ve radyografik değerlendirmesi sonucunda konservatif yaklaşımla cerrahi kontur düzeltmesi planlandı. Ancak 1 yıllık takip sonucunda lezyonun tekrar büyüdüğü tespit edildi ve tedavi prosedürleri tekrarlandı.

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Köse, T.E., Dinçer Köse, O., Erdem, M.A., Çankaya, A.B., & Özcan, İ. (2016). MONOSTOTIC FIBROUS DYSPLASIA PRESENTING IN MAXILLA: A CASE REPORT. European Oral Research, 50(2), 38-42.


Köse T E, Dinçer Köse O, Erdem M A, Çankaya A B, Özcan İ. MONOSTOTIC FIBROUS DYSPLASIA PRESENTING IN MAXILLA: A CASE REPORT. European Oral Research. 2016;50(2):38-42.


Köse, T.E.; Dinçer Köse, O.; Erdem, M.A.; Çankaya, A.B.; Özcan, İ. MONOSTOTIC FIBROUS DYSPLASIA PRESENTING IN MAXILLA: A CASE REPORT. European Oral Research, [Publisher Location], v. 50, n. 2, p. 38-42, 2016.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Köse, Taha Emre, and Onur Dinçer Köse and Mehmet Ali Erdem and Abdülkadir Burak Çankaya and İlknur Özcan. 2016. “MONOSTOTIC FIBROUS DYSPLASIA PRESENTING IN MAXILLA: A CASE REPORT.” European Oral Research 50, no. 2: 38-42.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Köse, Taha Emre, and Onur Dinçer Köse and Mehmet Ali Erdem and Abdülkadir Burak Çankaya and İlknur Özcan. MONOSTOTIC FIBROUS DYSPLASIA PRESENTING IN MAXILLA: A CASE REPORT.” European Oral Research 50, no. 2 (Sep. 2024): 38-42.

Harvard: Australian Style

Köse, TE & Dinçer Köse, O & Erdem, MA & Çankaya, AB & Özcan, İ 2016, 'MONOSTOTIC FIBROUS DYSPLASIA PRESENTING IN MAXILLA: A CASE REPORT', European Oral Research, vol. 50, no. 2, pp. 38-42, viewed 16 Sep. 2024,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Köse, T.E. and Dinçer Köse, O. and Erdem, M.A. and Çankaya, A.B. and Özcan, İ. (2016) ‘MONOSTOTIC FIBROUS DYSPLASIA PRESENTING IN MAXILLA: A CASE REPORT’, European Oral Research, 50(2), pp. 38-42. (16 Sep. 2024).


Köse, Taha Emre, and Onur Dinçer Köse and Mehmet Ali Erdem and Abdülkadir Burak Çankaya and İlknur Özcan. MONOSTOTIC FIBROUS DYSPLASIA PRESENTING IN MAXILLA: A CASE REPORT.” European Oral Research, vol. 50, no. 2, 2016, pp. 38-42. [Database Container],


Köse TE, Dinçer Köse O, Erdem MA, Çankaya AB, Özcan İ. MONOSTOTIC FIBROUS DYSPLASIA PRESENTING IN MAXILLA: A CASE REPORT. European Oral Research [Internet]. 16 Sep. 2024 [cited 16 Sep. 2024];50(2):38-42. Available from: doi: 10.17096/jiufd.99328


Köse, TahaEmre - Dinçer Köse, Onur - Erdem, MehmetAli - Çankaya, AbdülkadirBurak - Özcan, İlknur. MONOSTOTIC FIBROUS DYSPLASIA PRESENTING IN MAXILLA: A CASE REPORT”. European Oral Research 50/2 (Sep. 2024): 38-42.


Published Online01.04.2016


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