Research Article

DOI :10.17096/jiufd.56482   IUP :10.17096/jiufd.56482    Full Text (PDF)


Elif Yaman DosdoğruFeyza Nur GörkenArzu pınar ErdemSüleyman Evren ÖztaşGülnaz MarşanElif SepetZeynep Aytepe

Purpose: The aim of this study was to assess the association
between the presence of maxillary incisor trauma (MIT)
with age, gender, dentition type, the degree of overjet (OJ),
lip form, respiratory type and dental arch form in patients
with Class II division 1 dental malocclusion.

Subjects and Methods: 256 patients (mean age: 15.80
± 2.2) were included in this study. The patients’ gender,
dentition type, superior lip form, dental arch form and
respiratory type were recorded. Participants were divided
into four groups according to the severity of OJ: 3.5 mm
<Group 1 (OJ I) ≤6 mm with competent lip, 3.5 mm<Group
2 (OJ II) ≤ 6 mm with incompetent lip, 6 mm<Group 3 (OJ
III) ≤9mm, 9 mm<Group 4 (OJ IV). Mann Whitney-U test
was used to examine the group differences for trauma and
non-trauma groups. Logistic regression analysis was used
to assess the factors for trauma and their risk indicators.

Results: 3.5 mm< OJ II≤ 6 mm with incompetent lip had the
highest odds of experiencing MIT among the OJ groups with
an odds ratio (OR) of 3.143 and 95% confidence interval
(CI) 1.125-2.779. The odds were 3.572 times higher in
the group with short lip form than found in the group with
normal lip form (OR 3.572, 95% CI 1.130-2.340).

Conclusion: The age, gender, respiratory type and dental
arch form were not significantly associated the risk of MIT.
OJ between 3.5 mm and 6 mm (with incompetent lip) and
short lips increased the risk of having maxillary incisor
trauma in patients with Class II division 1 malocclusion
DOI :10.17096/jiufd.56482   IUP :10.17096/jiufd.56482    Full Text (PDF)

Sınıf II Bölüm 1 Dental malokluzyonu Olan Hastalarda Kesici Diş Travması ile İlişkili Faktörler

Elif Yaman DosdoğruFeyza Nur GörkenArzu pınar ErdemSüleyman Evren ÖztaşGülnaz MarşanElif SepetZeynep Aytepe

Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı Sınıf II Bölüm 1 dental maloklüzyonu olan hastalarda üst kesici diş travması (ÜKT) ile yaş, cinsiyet, dentisyon tipi, overjet derecesi (OJ), üst dudak formu, solunum tipi ve dental ark formu arasındaki ilişkiyi belirlemektir.

Hastalar ve Yöntem:
Çalışmaya 256 hasta (ortalama yaş: 15.80 ± 2.2) dahil edildi. Hastaların yaş,cinsiyet, dentisyon tipi, overjet derecesi, üst dudak formu, solunum tipi ve dental ark formu değerlendirildi. Hastalar, overjet derecesine göre 4 gruba ayrıldı: Yeterli dudak kapanışı ile 3,5 mm< Grup 1 (OJ I)≤6 mm, yetersiz dudak kapanışı ile 3,5 mm< Grup 2 (OJ II)≤ 6 mm, 6 mm< Grup 3 (OJ 3)≤9mm, 9 mm

Bulgular: OJ’ye göre yetersiz dudak kapanışı ile 3.5 mm < OJ II ≤ 6 grubunda göreceli olasılıklar oranı (GOO) 3.143, 95% güven aralığında (GA) 1.125-2.779 olarak hesaplandığından en yüksek travma risk değerinin bu grupta olduğu belirlendi. Kısa dudak formu normal dudak formu ile karşılaştırıldığında travma riski daha yüksek bulundu. (GOO 3.572, 95% GA 1.130-2.340).

Sonuç: Yaş, cinsiyet, solunum tipi ve dental ark formu ile ÜKT arasında anlamlı bir ilişki bulunmadı. Sınf II Bölüm 1 dental maloklüzyonu olan hastalarda 3.5 mm ile 6 mm arasında OJ varlığı ve kısa dudak formu ÜKT görülme riskini arttırmıştır. 

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Yaman Dosdoğru, E., Görken, F.N., Erdem, A., Öztaş, S.E., Marşan, G., Sepet, E., & Aytepe, Z. (2017). MAXILLARY INCISOR TRAUMA IN PATIENTS WITH CLASS II DIVISION 1 DENTAL MALOCCLUSION: ASSOCIATED FACTORS. European Oral Research, 51(1), 34-41.


Yaman Dosdoğru E, Görken F N, Erdem A, Öztaş S E, Marşan G, Sepet E, Aytepe Z. MAXILLARY INCISOR TRAUMA IN PATIENTS WITH CLASS II DIVISION 1 DENTAL MALOCCLUSION: ASSOCIATED FACTORS. European Oral Research. 2017;51(1):34-41.


Yaman Dosdoğru, E.; Görken, F.N.; Erdem, A.; Öztaş, S.E.; Marşan, G.; Sepet, E.; Aytepe, Z. MAXILLARY INCISOR TRAUMA IN PATIENTS WITH CLASS II DIVISION 1 DENTAL MALOCCLUSION: ASSOCIATED FACTORS. European Oral Research, [Publisher Location], v. 51, n. 1, p. 34-41, 2017.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Yaman Dosdoğru, Elif, and Feyza Nur Görken and Arzu pınar Erdem and Süleyman Evren Öztaş and Gülnaz Marşan and Elif Sepet and Zeynep Aytepe. 2017. “MAXILLARY INCISOR TRAUMA IN PATIENTS WITH CLASS II DIVISION 1 DENTAL MALOCCLUSION: ASSOCIATED FACTORS.” European Oral Research 51, no. 1: 34-41.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Yaman Dosdoğru, Elif, and Feyza Nur Görken and Arzu pınar Erdem and Süleyman Evren Öztaş and Gülnaz Marşan and Elif Sepet and Zeynep Aytepe. MAXILLARY INCISOR TRAUMA IN PATIENTS WITH CLASS II DIVISION 1 DENTAL MALOCCLUSION: ASSOCIATED FACTORS.” European Oral Research 51, no. 1 (Dec. 2024): 34-41.

Harvard: Australian Style

Yaman Dosdoğru, E & Görken, FN & Erdem, A & Öztaş, SE & Marşan, G & Sepet, E & Aytepe, Z 2017, 'MAXILLARY INCISOR TRAUMA IN PATIENTS WITH CLASS II DIVISION 1 DENTAL MALOCCLUSION: ASSOCIATED FACTORS', European Oral Research, vol. 51, no. 1, pp. 34-41, viewed 22 Dec. 2024,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Yaman Dosdoğru, E. and Görken, F.N. and Erdem, A. and Öztaş, S.E. and Marşan, G. and Sepet, E. and Aytepe, Z. (2017) ‘MAXILLARY INCISOR TRAUMA IN PATIENTS WITH CLASS II DIVISION 1 DENTAL MALOCCLUSION: ASSOCIATED FACTORS’, European Oral Research, 51(1), pp. 34-41. (22 Dec. 2024).


Yaman Dosdoğru, Elif, and Feyza Nur Görken and Arzu pınar Erdem and Süleyman Evren Öztaş and Gülnaz Marşan and Elif Sepet and Zeynep Aytepe. MAXILLARY INCISOR TRAUMA IN PATIENTS WITH CLASS II DIVISION 1 DENTAL MALOCCLUSION: ASSOCIATED FACTORS.” European Oral Research, vol. 51, no. 1, 2017, pp. 34-41. [Database Container],


Yaman Dosdoğru E, Görken FN, Erdem A, Öztaş SE, Marşan G, Sepet E, Aytepe Z. MAXILLARY INCISOR TRAUMA IN PATIENTS WITH CLASS II DIVISION 1 DENTAL MALOCCLUSION: ASSOCIATED FACTORS. European Oral Research [Internet]. 22 Dec. 2024 [cited 22 Dec. 2024];51(1):34-41. Available from: doi: 10.17096/jiufd.56482


Yaman Dosdoğru, Elif - Görken, FeyzaNur - Erdem, Arzu pınar - Öztaş, SüleymanEvren - Marşan, Gülnaz - Sepet, Elif - Aytepe, Zeynep. MAXILLARY INCISOR TRAUMA IN PATIENTS WITH CLASS II DIVISION 1 DENTAL MALOCCLUSION: ASSOCIATED FACTORS”. European Oral Research 51/1 (Dec. 2024): 34-41.


Published Online04.01.2017


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