Research Article

DOI :10.26650/ibr.2024.53.1388242   IUP :10.26650/ibr.2024.53.1388242    Full Text (PDF)

Effect of Festival Satisfaction on Destination Loyalty through Destination Overall Image: The Case of Alaçatı Herb Festival

Ayşe Arslan ÖzkanErkan Yıldız

This study examines the relationships among festival success factors, festival satisfaction, destination image and destination loyalty. Based on the literature review, festival success factors were identified and a model was developed to measure the direct impact of these factors on destination loyalty and the impact of these factors through the overall image of the destination. Data were collected during the 11th Alaçatı Herb Festival held between March 24-27, 2022. The data obtained were analyzed with the structural equation modeling. According to the results of the study, the program, festival area, staff, souvenirs, and information dimensions of festival success factors affect festival satisfaction. The effects of convenience and food dimensions on festival satisfaction were statistically insignificant. The festival satisfaction and destination overall image variables have positive effects on destination loyalty, and the festival satisfaction variable has positive effects on the destination overall image. The destination overall images an integral partial mediating role in the relationship between festival satisfaction and destination loyalty.

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Arslan Özkan, A., & Yıldız, E. (2024). Effect of Festival Satisfaction on Destination Loyalty through Destination Overall Image: The Case of Alaçatı Herb Festival. Istanbul Business Research, 53(3), 433-454.


Arslan Özkan A, Yıldız E. Effect of Festival Satisfaction on Destination Loyalty through Destination Overall Image: The Case of Alaçatı Herb Festival. Istanbul Business Research. 2024;53(3):433-454.


Arslan Özkan, A.; Yıldız, E. Effect of Festival Satisfaction on Destination Loyalty through Destination Overall Image: The Case of Alaçatı Herb Festival. Istanbul Business Research, [Publisher Location], v. 53, n. 3, p. 433-454, 2024.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Arslan Özkan, Ayşe, and Erkan Yıldız. 2024. “Effect of Festival Satisfaction on Destination Loyalty through Destination Overall Image: The Case of Alaçatı Herb Festival.” Istanbul Business Research 53, no. 3: 433-454.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Arslan Özkan, Ayşe, and Erkan Yıldız. Effect of Festival Satisfaction on Destination Loyalty through Destination Overall Image: The Case of Alaçatı Herb Festival.” Istanbul Business Research 53, no. 3 (Mar. 2025): 433-454.

Harvard: Australian Style

Arslan Özkan, A & Yıldız, E 2024, 'Effect of Festival Satisfaction on Destination Loyalty through Destination Overall Image: The Case of Alaçatı Herb Festival', Istanbul Business Research, vol. 53, no. 3, pp. 433-454, viewed 10 Mar. 2025,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Arslan Özkan, A. and Yıldız, E. (2024) ‘Effect of Festival Satisfaction on Destination Loyalty through Destination Overall Image: The Case of Alaçatı Herb Festival’, Istanbul Business Research, 53(3), pp. 433-454. (10 Mar. 2025).


Arslan Özkan, Ayşe, and Erkan Yıldız. Effect of Festival Satisfaction on Destination Loyalty through Destination Overall Image: The Case of Alaçatı Herb Festival.” Istanbul Business Research, vol. 53, no. 3, 2024, pp. 433-454. [Database Container],


Arslan Özkan A, Yıldız E. Effect of Festival Satisfaction on Destination Loyalty through Destination Overall Image: The Case of Alaçatı Herb Festival. Istanbul Business Research [Internet]. 10 Mar. 2025 [cited 10 Mar. 2025];53(3):433-454. Available from: doi: 10.26650/ibr.2024.53.1388242


Arslan Özkan, Ayşe - Yıldız, Erkan. Effect of Festival Satisfaction on Destination Loyalty through Destination Overall Image: The Case of Alaçatı Herb Festival”. Istanbul Business Research 53/3 (Mar. 2025): 433-454.


Published Online09.01.2025


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