The Impact of Fintech on Economic Growth: Evidence from Panels of Turkic and Southeast Asian Countries
Aydın Gürbüz, Meltem Kılıç, Emre TatlıyerFrom the beginning of the 21. century, the whole world has witnessed huge changes because of technological improvements and revolutionary inventions. It can be inferred that technological developments affect mankind in terms of many aspects like cultural, psychological, social etc. and these impacts reflect on our lives much more immediately than in past times. One of these impacts can be observed in economic and financial platforms. Financial technology has recently attracted great interest. The cause of this situation may be said to be Fintech becoming a global phenomenon. Therefore, many researchers have tended to investigate the impact of technological improvements on economic growth. This study attempts to evaluate the impact of financial technological improvements on economic growth between 2000 and 2020 for Turkic and selected Asian countries. In obtaining results, panel data analysis has been used. The results indicate that internet usage rates and fixed broadband subscriptions have positive impacts on economic growth. However, mobile cellular subscriptions do not have any impact on economic growth. According to the findings, information-communication technologies and other macroeconomic factors positively affect economic growth.
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Gürbüz, A., Kılıç, M., & Tatlıyer, E. (2024). The Impact of Fintech on Economic Growth: Evidence from Panels of Turkic and Southeast Asian Countries. Istanbul Business Research, 53(2), 229-248.
Gürbüz A, Kılıç M, Tatlıyer E. The Impact of Fintech on Economic Growth: Evidence from Panels of Turkic and Southeast Asian Countries. Istanbul Business Research. 2024;53(2):229-248.
Gürbüz, A.; Kılıç, M.; Tatlıyer, E. The Impact of Fintech on Economic Growth: Evidence from Panels of Turkic and Southeast Asian Countries. Istanbul Business Research, [Publisher Location], v. 53, n. 2, p. 229-248, 2024.
Chicago: Author-Date Style
Gürbüz, Aydın, and Meltem Kılıç and Emre Tatlıyer. 2024. “The Impact of Fintech on Economic Growth: Evidence from Panels of Turkic and Southeast Asian Countries.” Istanbul Business Research 53, no. 2: 229-248.
Chicago: Humanities Style
Gürbüz, Aydın, and Meltem Kılıç and Emre Tatlıyer. “The Impact of Fintech on Economic Growth: Evidence from Panels of Turkic and Southeast Asian Countries.” Istanbul Business Research 53, no. 2 (Mar. 2025): 229-248.
Harvard: Australian Style
Gürbüz, A & Kılıç, M & Tatlıyer, E 2024, 'The Impact of Fintech on Economic Growth: Evidence from Panels of Turkic and Southeast Asian Countries', Istanbul Business Research, vol. 53, no. 2, pp. 229-248, viewed 10 Mar. 2025,
Harvard: Author-Date Style
Gürbüz, A. and Kılıç, M. and Tatlıyer, E. (2024) ‘The Impact of Fintech on Economic Growth: Evidence from Panels of Turkic and Southeast Asian Countries’, Istanbul Business Research, 53(2), pp. 229-248. (10 Mar. 2025).
Gürbüz, Aydın, and Meltem Kılıç and Emre Tatlıyer. “The Impact of Fintech on Economic Growth: Evidence from Panels of Turkic and Southeast Asian Countries.” Istanbul Business Research, vol. 53, no. 2, 2024, pp. 229-248. [Database Container],
Gürbüz A, Kılıç M, Tatlıyer E. The Impact of Fintech on Economic Growth: Evidence from Panels of Turkic and Southeast Asian Countries. Istanbul Business Research [Internet]. 10 Mar. 2025 [cited 10 Mar. 2025];53(2):229-248. Available from: doi: 10.26650/ibr.2024.53.1299620
Gürbüz, Aydın - Kılıç, Meltem - Tatlıyer, Emre. “The Impact of Fintech on Economic Growth: Evidence from Panels of Turkic and Southeast Asian Countries”. Istanbul Business Research 53/2 (Mar. 2025): 229-248.