Research Article

DOI :10.26650/IstanbulJPharm.2019.19012   IUP :10.26650/IstanbulJPharm.2019.19012    Full Text (PDF)

Determination of pharmacy pharmacists and pharmacy employees' knowledge of and attitudes towards magistral drug preparation in Malatya/ Turkey

Turgay KolaçPerihan GürbüzGülsüm YetişZehra Deniz Çırak

Magistral drugs are preferred when present preparations are not sufficient. Even though their usage had decreased, it is predicted that magistral applications will be used more often in the future. In this study pharmacists and pharmacy employees working in 95 pharmacies in Malatya city center agreed to participate in the study (n=203) and filled in a questionnaire which was prepared according to literature. In the analysis of the obtained data, frequency and percentages were calculated using SPSS 24.0 program. It was observed that 11.1% of the pharmacies were close to a health center and 88.0% of the participants were preparing magistral drugs. 55.2% of the participants stated that they prepared magistral medications 1-2 times a week. According to the results, although the frequency varied with the localization of pharmacies, magistral drug preparation ratios were generally similar to those found in the literature. Preferred magistral drug forms were: creams (74.7%), pomades (69.8%) and solutions (54.7%). Of the participants who declared themselves to be inadequately skilled in magistral drug preparation, 19.5% said that the prescriptions were insufficient and 33.3% reported that the doctors’ prescriptions were incomplete or unreadable.

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Kolaç, T., Gürbüz, P., Yetiş, G., & Çırak, Z. (2019). Determination of pharmacy pharmacists and pharmacy employees' knowledge of and attitudes towards magistral drug preparation in Malatya/ Turkey. İstanbul Journal of Pharmacy, 49(3), 125-131.


Kolaç T, Gürbüz P, Yetiş G, Çırak Z. Determination of pharmacy pharmacists and pharmacy employees' knowledge of and attitudes towards magistral drug preparation in Malatya/ Turkey. İstanbul Journal of Pharmacy. 2019;49(3):125-131.


Kolaç, T.; Gürbüz, P.; Yetiş, G.; Çırak, Z. Determination of pharmacy pharmacists and pharmacy employees' knowledge of and attitudes towards magistral drug preparation in Malatya/ Turkey. İstanbul Journal of Pharmacy, [Publisher Location], v. 49, n. 3, p. 125-131, 2019.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Kolaç, Turgay, and Perihan Gürbüz and Gülsüm Yetiş and Zehra Deniz Çırak. 2019. “Determination of pharmacy pharmacists and pharmacy employees' knowledge of and attitudes towards magistral drug preparation in Malatya/ Turkey.” İstanbul Journal of Pharmacy 49, no. 3: 125-131.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Kolaç, Turgay, and Perihan Gürbüz and Gülsüm Yetiş and Zehra Deniz Çırak. Determination of pharmacy pharmacists and pharmacy employees' knowledge of and attitudes towards magistral drug preparation in Malatya/ Turkey.” İstanbul Journal of Pharmacy 49, no. 3 (Mar. 2025): 125-131.

Harvard: Australian Style

Kolaç, T & Gürbüz, P & Yetiş, G & Çırak, Z 2019, 'Determination of pharmacy pharmacists and pharmacy employees' knowledge of and attitudes towards magistral drug preparation in Malatya/ Turkey', İstanbul Journal of Pharmacy, vol. 49, no. 3, pp. 125-131, viewed 15 Mar. 2025,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Kolaç, T. and Gürbüz, P. and Yetiş, G. and Çırak, Z. (2019) ‘Determination of pharmacy pharmacists and pharmacy employees' knowledge of and attitudes towards magistral drug preparation in Malatya/ Turkey’, İstanbul Journal of Pharmacy, 49(3), pp. 125-131. (15 Mar. 2025).


Kolaç, Turgay, and Perihan Gürbüz and Gülsüm Yetiş and Zehra Deniz Çırak. Determination of pharmacy pharmacists and pharmacy employees' knowledge of and attitudes towards magistral drug preparation in Malatya/ Turkey.” İstanbul Journal of Pharmacy, vol. 49, no. 3, 2019, pp. 125-131. [Database Container],


Kolaç T, Gürbüz P, Yetiş G, Çırak Z. Determination of pharmacy pharmacists and pharmacy employees' knowledge of and attitudes towards magistral drug preparation in Malatya/ Turkey. İstanbul Journal of Pharmacy [Internet]. 15 Mar. 2025 [cited 15 Mar. 2025];49(3):125-131. Available from: doi: 10.26650/IstanbulJPharm.2019.19012


Kolaç, Turgay - Gürbüz, Perihan - Yetiş, Gülsüm - Çırak, Zehra Deniz. Determination of pharmacy pharmacists and pharmacy employees' knowledge of and attitudes towards magistral drug preparation in Malatya/ Turkey”. İstanbul Journal of Pharmacy 49/3 (Mar. 2025): 125-131.




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