Knowledge, attitude and practice of pharmacoepidemiology in paediatric pharmacists: A nationwide questionnaire-based study
Shamala BalanBackground and Aims: Pharmacoepidemiology evidence are crucial in the development and evaluation of drugs in paediatrics. Data on the knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP) of paediatric pharmacists regarding pharmacoepidemiology are limited. This study aimed to evaluate the KAP of pharmacoepidemiology in Malaysian paediatric pharmacists.
Methods: A total of 149 paediatric pharmacists from Malaysian public hospitals were invited to participate in this cross-sectional study. Data were collected between April and June 2023 using a self-administered online questionnaire on KAP regarding pharmacoepidemiology. Bloom’s cut-off value of ≥ 81% denoted high knowledge, positive attitude, and good practice, respectively. Descriptive and inferential data analyses were performed using SPSS v20.
Results: Ninety-nine paediatric pharmacists (response rate 66.44%; mean age 34.3±3.99 years) participated in this study. The majority (61.62%, n=61) worked at major specialist hospitals, with an overall mean working experience of 5.2±4.29 years. About 22.22% of pharmacists had a high level of knowledge, 15.15% had a positive attitude, but none had a good level of pharmacoepidemiology practice. On-the-job training (89.9%) and networking on paediatric pharmacy research (86.87%) were strongly recommended as key facilitators of pharmacoepidemiology. Knowledge [OR = 1.067, 95% CI (1.023–1.112), p=0.02] and attitude [OR = 1.118, 95% CI (1.044–1.198), p=0.02] scores significantly correlated with pharmacoepidemiology practice.
Conclusion: Paediatric pharmacists demonstrated moderate knowledge, a neutral attitude, but poor practice towards pharmacoepidemiology. Future initiatives should emphasise collaborative efforts among academic institutions, professional bodies and practitioners to address knowledge and attitude through the provision of on-the-job training and networking to enhance pharmacoepidemiology application among paediatric pharmacists in Malaysia.