Research Article

DOI :10.26650/IstanbulJPharm.2024.1070319   IUP :10.26650/IstanbulJPharm.2024.1070319    Full Text (PDF)

The effects of chard extract against streptozotocin-induced erectile dysfunction in rats

Mustafa AydınÖzlem SaçanLevent KabasakalŞule ÇetinelMustafa KadihasanoğluMuammer KendirciYeşim İpçiRefiye YanardağGöksel Şener

Background and Aims: To analyze the potential therapeutic effects of chard against streptozotocin (STZ) -induced erectile dysfunction (ED) and oxidative damage in the corpus cavernousum in rats.

Materials and Methods: In this study, Sprague-Dawley rats (250-300g) were allocated into groups as follows: control, diabetic, diabetic + chard, and diabetic + insulin. In order to induce diabetes, rats were given 65 mg/kg intraperitoneal streptozotocin. Chard extract was given orally at a dose 2 g/kg for 45 days beginning on 15th days. Sixty days after STZ injection, intracavernosal pressure (ICP) was measured and rats were decapitated. Blood samples were obtained for glucose, asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA)levels, and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity while cavernous tissues were taken to analyze luminol and lucigenin chemiluminescence (CL), malondialdehyde and glutathione and along with histological analysis.

Results: The results revealed that diabetes caused significant decreases in cavernosal tissue glutathione levels, while luminol and lucigenin CL, and malondialdehyde levels were significantly elevated. Plasma glucose, ADMA levels, and LDH activity were also found to be increased in diabetic group. On the other hand, both chard extract and insulin treatment reversed these biochemical parameters significantly. Furthermore, it was found that the ICP value examined for evaluating erectile functions were lower in the diabetic group, but increased in both treatment groups which were similar to the control values.

Conclusion: According to our results, chard extract, similar to insulin, reduced diabetes-induced oxidative damage in cavernosal tissue and protected erectile functions. This effects may be attributed its hypoglycemic and antioxidant properties

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Aydın, M., Saçan, Ö., Kabasakal, L., Çetinel, Ş., Kadihasanoğlu, M., Kendirci, M., İpçi, Y., Yanardağ, R., & Şener, G. (2024). The effects of chard extract against streptozotocin-induced erectile dysfunction in rats. İstanbul Journal of Pharmacy, 54(1), 12-19.


Aydın M, Saçan Ö, Kabasakal L, Çetinel Ş, Kadihasanoğlu M, Kendirci M, İpçi Y, Yanardağ R, Şener G. The effects of chard extract against streptozotocin-induced erectile dysfunction in rats. İstanbul Journal of Pharmacy. 2024;54(1):12-19.


Aydın, M.; Saçan, Ö.; Kabasakal, L.; Çetinel, Ş.; Kadihasanoğlu, M.; Kendirci, M.; İpçi, Y.; Yanardağ, R.; Şener, G. The effects of chard extract against streptozotocin-induced erectile dysfunction in rats. İstanbul Journal of Pharmacy, [Publisher Location], v. 54, n. 1, p. 12-19, 2024.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Aydın, Mustafa, and Özlem Saçan and Levent Kabasakal and Şule Çetinel and Mustafa Kadihasanoğlu and Muammer Kendirci and Yeşim İpçi and Refiye Yanardağ and Göksel Şener. 2024. “The effects of chard extract against streptozotocin-induced erectile dysfunction in rats.” İstanbul Journal of Pharmacy 54, no. 1: 12-19.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Aydın, Mustafa, and Özlem Saçan and Levent Kabasakal and Şule Çetinel and Mustafa Kadihasanoğlu and Muammer Kendirci and Yeşim İpçi and Refiye Yanardağ and Göksel Şener. The effects of chard extract against streptozotocin-induced erectile dysfunction in rats.” İstanbul Journal of Pharmacy 54, no. 1 (Mar. 2025): 12-19.

Harvard: Australian Style

Aydın, M & Saçan, Ö & Kabasakal, L & Çetinel, Ş & Kadihasanoğlu, M & Kendirci, M & İpçi, Y & Yanardağ, R & Şener, G 2024, 'The effects of chard extract against streptozotocin-induced erectile dysfunction in rats', İstanbul Journal of Pharmacy, vol. 54, no. 1, pp. 12-19, viewed 14 Mar. 2025,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Aydın, M. and Saçan, Ö. and Kabasakal, L. and Çetinel, Ş. and Kadihasanoğlu, M. and Kendirci, M. and İpçi, Y. and Yanardağ, R. and Şener, G. (2024) ‘The effects of chard extract against streptozotocin-induced erectile dysfunction in rats’, İstanbul Journal of Pharmacy, 54(1), pp. 12-19. (14 Mar. 2025).


Aydın, Mustafa, and Özlem Saçan and Levent Kabasakal and Şule Çetinel and Mustafa Kadihasanoğlu and Muammer Kendirci and Yeşim İpçi and Refiye Yanardağ and Göksel Şener. The effects of chard extract against streptozotocin-induced erectile dysfunction in rats.” İstanbul Journal of Pharmacy, vol. 54, no. 1, 2024, pp. 12-19. [Database Container],


Aydın M, Saçan Ö, Kabasakal L, Çetinel Ş, Kadihasanoğlu M, Kendirci M, İpçi Y, Yanardağ R, Şener G. The effects of chard extract against streptozotocin-induced erectile dysfunction in rats. İstanbul Journal of Pharmacy [Internet]. 14 Mar. 2025 [cited 14 Mar. 2025];54(1):12-19. Available from: doi: 10.26650/IstanbulJPharm.2024.1070319


Aydın, Mustafa - Saçan, Özlem - Kabasakal, Levent - Çetinel, Şule - Kadihasanoğlu, Mustafa - Kendirci, Muammer - İpçi, Yeşim - Yanardağ, Refiye - Şener, Göksel. The effects of chard extract against streptozotocin-induced erectile dysfunction in rats”. İstanbul Journal of Pharmacy 54/1 (Mar. 2025): 12-19.


Published Online30.04.2024


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