Research Article

DOI :10.26650/di.2023.34.2.1341913   IUP :10.26650/di.2023.34.2.1341913    Full Text (PDF)

The Meanings of the Word “Aziz” in the Quran

Cemal Abdullah Aydın

This article examines the meaning of the word “Aziz” (except for “Asma-ul-Husna”) and other words with the same root in other forms found in the Holy Qur’an. The research draws on Arabic language sources compiled in the first centuries of the Hijrah. It also utilizes early Arabic language dictionaries, works of Wujuh and Nasa’ir, Tafsirs, and the literature of Maani and Gharib al-Quran, which explains the words of the Qur’an. This article quotes ancient sources to define the word “Aziz,” and identifies ten different meanings attributed to the word. It also attempts to establish a connection between these ten different meanings based on the most concrete one. The study then goes through the verses in which “Aziz” and other words with the same root appear in order. Providing meticulous translations of the source texts about these verses, the article presents the meanings attributed to the word and other derivatives, especially by linguists. It then offers translations of each of these verses accordingly. This paper also cites Turkish translations of Elmalılı Hamdi Yazır, Ömer Nasuhi Bilmen, Hasan Basri Çantay, and Ali Fikri Yavuz, demonstrating the various meanings attributed to the word depending on the context. Eight of the ten meanings mentioned are found in the Qur’an. The paper also assesses these translations through examples, aiming to illustrate that a direct translation of the word may cause misunderstandings, although the exact same word exists in Turkish. The conclusion lists all of the meanings attributed to the word and the findings of this research.

DOI :10.26650/di.2023.34.2.1341913   IUP :10.26650/di.2023.34.2.1341913    Full Text (PDF)

Aziz Kelimesinin Kur’an-ı Kerim’deki Manaları

Cemal Abdullah Aydın

Bu makalede Kur’an-ı Kerim’de pek çok yerde zikredilen “Aziz” kelimesinin delaletleri incelenmektedir. Ayrıca kelimenin aynı köke sahip diğer kalıplardaki şekilleri ele alınmış; ancak Esma-i hüsna olarak zikredildiği ayetler araştırma dışı bırakılmıştır. Makalede hicretin ilk asırlarında telif edilmiş Arap dili kaynakları esas alınmıştır. Erken dönem Arap Dili sözlükleri, Vücûh ve Nezâir eserleri, tefsirler, Kur’an kelimelerini açıklayan meâni/garibu’l-Kur’an literatüründen istifade edilmiştir. “Aziz” kelimesinin farklı manalarına dair kadim kaynaklarda yer alan açıklamalar nakledilmiştir. Kelimeye ait on farklı mana tespit edilmiştir. Kaynaklardaki bilgiler ışığında kelimenin ilk manası belirlenmiş, zamanla farklı ancak birbirleriyle irtibatlı anlamları nasıl kazandığı ortaya konulmaya çalışılmıştır. Sonrasında “aziz” kelimesinin ve aynı kökten türemiş başka kalıplardaki kelimelerin geçtiği ayetler sırayla zikredilmiştir. Bu ayetlerle ilgili kaynak eserlerde yazılanlar titizlikle tercüme edilerek bilhassa dil âlimlerinin kelimeye ve diğer türevlere yüklediği manalar belirtilmiştir. Bu bilgilerden yola çıkılarak her ayetin meali verilmeye çalışılmıştır. Mukayese edilmesi için Elmalılı Hamdi Yazır, Ömer Nasuhi Bilmen, Hasan Basri Çantay ve Ali Fikri Yavuz’un telif ettikleri meallerden bu ayetlerin Türkçe karşılıkları aktarılmıştır. Böylelikle kelimenin ve türevlerinin geçtiği ayetlere göre aldığı manalar ortaya konulmuştur. Bahsi geçen on manadan sekizinin Kur’an’da yer

aldığı belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca örnekler üzerinden mealler tenkit edilerek değerlendirilmiştir. Türkçede de kullanılan “aziz” kelimesinin, Kur’an ayetlerinin meallerinde aynen yer almasının yanlış anlamalara yol açabileceği örneklerle gösterilmiştir. Sonuç kısmında tespit edilen manalar topluca zikredilmiş, elde edilen neticeler sıralanmıştır.


Comprehending the verses of the Holy Qur’an requires more than just reading; genuine comprehension is dependent on grasping the intricate meanings hidden within its words.

This article conducts an incisive analysis of the nuances of the Quranic term “Aziz,” as well as related words derived from the same root, to elucidate their precise semantic dimensions. Noteworthily, “Aziz” is one of Allah’s 99 revered names, collectively known as Asma-ul-Husna. However, the present study is dedicated to exploring the multifaceted interpretations of “Aziz” apart from its manifestation in the Asma-ul-Husna lexicon, as that aspect demands separate scholarly investigation. A pivotal facet of the term lies in its homophonic nature, wherein this discourse aims to distinguish the various connotations of “Aziz” .This endeavor examines the classical Arabic literature and foundational texts to uncover the term’s myriad implications. Historic lexicons contain a wealth of interpretations attributed to “Aziz,” tracing its evolution from its initial embodiment denoting soil hardening—an inherently tangible concept. The term’s semantic landscape has evolved over time to encompass a spectrum of meanings, each of which resonates with the insights of previous scholars, thus corroborating the thesis expounded within this article. The meanings woven around “Aziz” include rigidity, arduousness, potency, unattainability, staunchness, triumph, regality, and ascendancy—eight distinct facets adorning its existence within the Holy Qur’an. Furthermore, “Aziz” assumes the mantle of “scarcity and preciousness,” within the Quranic fabric, adding yet another layer of depth to its semantic matrix. Consequently, this single word bears ten different shades of meaning, each tailored to its contextual application within the sacred verses. This study aims to reveal the potential interconnections among these connotations. The current article conducts an in-depth examination of the term’s lexical applications in Qur’anic verses. Aside from its attribution as one of the divine names, the term “Aziz” زيزع appears eleven times in the Qur’anic text. Furthermore, variations of the root term, including ةَّزِعَأ (aizzah), ةّزِع (izzah), زَعأ (a’azz), زِعُت (tu’izz), زِع (izz), انْزّزَع (azzazna), and ينَّزَع (azzany), appear in seventeen different verses. Thus, this paper examines the semantic underpinnings of twenty-eight Qur’anic verses, drawing on a corpus of classical dictionaries, exegetical commentaries (tafsirs), and authoritative works such as “Maani’l-Qur’an,” “Gharib al-Qur’an,” “Wujuh,” and “Nazair.” In this regard, the elucidations proffered by eminent scholars like Muqatil ibn Sulayman (150/767), Khalil ibn Ahmad (175/791), Yahya al-Farra (207/822), Abu “Ubaydah (209/824), Ibn al-Sikkīt (244/858), Ibn Qutayba (276/889) Ibn Jarir al-Tabari (310/923), al-Zajjaj (311/923), Ibn Durayd (321/933) an-Nahhas (338/950) Abu Mansur al-Azharī (370/980) Abu Sulayman al-Khattābī (388/998) al-Jawharī (393/1003) Ibn Fāris (395/1004) Abu Hilal al-Askari (400/1009-? ) Raghib al-Isfahanî (425/1033-?), Wahidî (468/1076), al-Ghazzali (505/1111) al-Zamakhshari (538/1144), and Majduddin Ibn al-Athir (606/1210) are invoked alongside dictionary definitions and explanations from scholarly resources. This study makes a meticulous effort to provide translations of Quranic verses containing the term “Aziz” or lexically related terms, to render their meanings precise. This work also includes four distinct authoritative Turkish translations of the Holy Qur’an. These translations, authored by Elmalılı Hamdi Yazır, Ömer Nasuhi Bilmen, Hasan Basri Çantay, and Ali Fikri Yavuz, are well-known in Turkish Islamic discourse. Elmalılı Hamdi Yazır and Ömer Nasuhi Bilmen, both scholars of the Ottoman madrasah tradition, and Hasan Basri Çantay, a luminary nurtured within the Ottoman intellectual landscape, bestow the hallmark of classical authenticity on their translations. In parallel, Ali Fikri Yavuz’s rendition is one of the most widely distributed Turkish translations,

demonstrating its accessibility. By meticulously engaging with these select translations, this study enriches the scholarly landscape through a nuanced exploration of the term “Aziz” and its cognates, rooted in an array of authoritative Turkish Qur’anic translations. The prominence of these translations as pioneering examples of their respective literary styles, combined with their widespread dissemination, plays a significant role in selecting these particular renditions. The article includes excerpts from these four Turkish Qur’anic translations, forming a foundational framework for comparative analysis. This method allows for a juxtaposition of the translations proposed in this study to those found in the four prevalent Qur’an translations, thereby leveraging Arabic primary sources as a comparative touchstone. Moreover, this paper broadens its scope to include an evaluative dimension of the chosen translations. This evaluative process is supported by illustrative examples that aim to clarify the nuances of the subject matter under consideration. Furthermore, this paper examines the chosen translations, substantiated with illustrative examples, to explain the subject at hand. Although the term “Aziz” exists in Turkish, its semantic depth is overshadowed by its Arabic counterpart. Despite their classical essence, the translators of the four Qur’anic versions occasionally choose a literal rendering of “Aziz,” leading to comprehension challenges in contemporary contexts. Consequently, retranslations are urgently needed guided by a more approachable approach. Furthermore, within the scope of this article, a thorough discussion of the semantic complexities inherent in the term “izzah,” as opposed to its antonymous counterpart “zilla,” ensues. Given their association with the term “Aziz,” their occurrence in Turkish language warrants attention. The translations proffered by Hasan Basri Çantay are remarkable for their clarity, which can be attributed to his journalistic background. Hi careful selection of lexical choices could support this clarity in translation, which could be tailored to his intended readership. By delineating semantic parameters of this homonymous term and fostering accurate comprehension in line with its verses, this article sheds light on the depth of analysis by early Arabic and tafsir scholars of the Qur’an. Finally, this study can be used as a model for researching other Quranic terminologies. This scholarly article makes a dual contribution by delineating the semantic parameters surrounding a homonymous word while ensuring its accurate comprehension within the context of its occurrences in Quranic verses. As a result, it sheds light on the exhaustive extent to which previous Arabic scholars and commentators meticulously examined the complexities of the Qur’an. The significance of this research transcends its immediate subject matter, with the potential to serve as a pioneering model for examining numerous other words in the Qur’an. By elucidating the methods and insights used in this study, it lays the groundwork for a broader scholarly framework that can be extrapolated to analyzing various linguistic components present in the Quranic discourse.

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Aydın, C.A. (2023). The Meanings of the Word “Aziz” in the Quran. darulfunun ilahiyat, 34(2), 419-451.


Aydın C A. The Meanings of the Word “Aziz” in the Quran. darulfunun ilahiyat. 2023;34(2):419-451.


Aydın, C.A. The Meanings of the Word “Aziz” in the Quran. darulfunun ilahiyat, [Publisher Location], v. 34, n. 2, p. 419-451, 2023.

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Aydın, Cemal Abdullah,. 2023. “The Meanings of the Word “Aziz” in the Quran.” darulfunun ilahiyat 34, no. 2: 419-451.

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Aydın, Cemal Abdullah,. The Meanings of the Word “Aziz” in the Quran.” darulfunun ilahiyat 34, no. 2 (May. 2024): 419-451.

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Aydın, CA 2023, 'The Meanings of the Word “Aziz” in the Quran', darulfunun ilahiyat, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 419-451, viewed 4 May. 2024,

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Aydın, C.A. (2023) ‘The Meanings of the Word “Aziz” in the Quran’, darulfunun ilahiyat, 34(2), pp. 419-451. (4 May. 2024).


Aydın, Cemal Abdullah,. The Meanings of the Word “Aziz” in the Quran.” darulfunun ilahiyat, vol. 34, no. 2, 2023, pp. 419-451. [Database Container],


Aydın CA. The Meanings of the Word “Aziz” in the Quran. darulfunun ilahiyat [Internet]. 4 May. 2024 [cited 4 May. 2024];34(2):419-451. Available from: doi: 10.26650/di.2023.34.2.1341913


Aydın, CemalAbdullah. The Meanings of the Word “Aziz” in the Quran”. darulfunun ilahiyat 34/2 (May. 2024): 419-451.


First Revision29.09.2023
Last Revision10.10.2023
Published Online15.12.2023


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