A Model of Family Mediation Developed Based on Experiences From Morocco
Elif Kübra TürkmenThis study examines the mediation method used in resolving family disputes in Morocco. Mediation is defined as a process that facilitates agreement between conflicting parties through the intervention of a neutral third- party. It is an effective tool for both resolving conflicts and improving the communication skills of the parties . Mediation reduces a culture of hostility, encourages civil behaviour, improves relationships, and ensures lasting peace. This study addresses the place and importance of family mediation in Islamic law, the role of non-governmental organisations in family mediation activities in Morocco, and how an exemplary family mediation model can be developed. Additionally, suggestions have been made for implementing family mediation more effectively in Morocco, emphasising that with necessary improvements, these practises could serve as a model for other countries. The study used literature review and field research methods to analyse the concept of family mediation in both theoretical and practical aspects, focusing on the situation in Morocco. As a result, family mediation has been highlighted as an effective method for resolving family disputes, with a need to address the existing shortcomings in this area.
Fas Deneyimlerine Dayanarak Geliştirilen Örnek Bir Aile Arabuluculuğu Modeli
Elif Kübra TürkmenBu çalışma, Fas’ta aile içi uyuşmazlıkların çözümünde başvurulan arabuluculuk yöntemini incelemektedir. Arabuluculuk, tarafsız bir üçüncü kişi aracılığıyla ihtilaf halindeki tarafların anlaşmaya varmasını sağlayan bir süreç olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Hem anlaşmazlıkları gidermede hem de tarafların iletişim becerilerini geliştirmede etkili bir araçtır. Arabuluculuk, düşmanlık kültürünü azaltarak medeni davranış alışkanlıklarını teşvik eder, tarafların ilişkilerini iyileştirir ve kalıcı barışı sağlar. Çalışmada, aile arabuluculuğunun İslam hukukundaki yeri, önemi, Fas’ta aile arabuluculuğu faaliyetlerinde sivil toplum kuruluşlarının rolü ve örnek bir aile arabuluculuğu modeli nasıl oluşturulabileceği ele alınmıştır. Fas’ta aile arabuluculuğunun daha etkin bir şekilde uygulanabilmesi için öneriler sunulmuş ve yapılacak iyileştirmelerle beraber bu uygulamaların diğer ülkeler için model oluşturabileceği vurgulanmıştır. Çalışmada hem teorik hem de pratik boyutlarıyla aile arabuluculuğu kavramının Fas’taki durumunu analiz etmek için literatür taraması ve saha incelemesi yöntemlerinden istifade edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak, aile arabuluculuğu, aile içi sorunların çözümünde etkili bir yöntem olarak öne çıkmakta ve bu alandaki eksikliklerin giderilmesi gerektiği belirtilmektedir
This study examines the use of mediation in resolving family disputes, with a particular focus on practises in Morocco. The study consists of an introduction and four main sections. After defining family mediation in the introduction, verses from the Qur’an and hadiths praising the act of reconciling between people are cited. Following this, the importance of family mediation, family mediation activities in Morocco, challenges faced in family mediation in Morocco, and an exemplary family mediation model are discussed in order.
Mediation in resolving family disputes plays an important role in preventing the breakdown of society and preserving family unity. Family mediation is a method aimed at resolving disputes between parties quickly, reliably, and at a low cost. In this process, decisions are made not by a third- party but by the individuals experiencing the conflict themselves. Mediation allows parties to set their own agenda and address issues from an emotional perspective. The active role of the parties in resolving disputes and making their own decisions increases their self-confidence. The goal of mediation is to move away from a win-lose mentality and establish a balance that provides mutual gain between the parties, resolving conflicts amicably. This feature of mediation makes it an effective and successful alternative method, especially in resolving issues between spouses.
In Morocco, family laws enacted in 1958 and 2004 made it mandatory for courts to apply conciliation procedures in divorce cases. However, these conciliation procedures are insufficient in regulating the relationships between spouses and preventing the breakdown of families. Therefore, new methods of resolution are needed in Morocco to reduce divorces by resolving domestic disputes. At this point, civil society organisations play a crucial role. In Morocco, the mediation methods used in resolving family disputes are primarily conducted by civil society organisations. In addition to providing mediation services for family issues, these organisations conduct educational and awareness programmes for family members. Some civil society organisations providing family mediation services in Morocco include Shebeketu Sheml, Merkez al-Istimaa wa’l-Irshad al-Usari, Jamiyyat al-Betoul, and Jamiyyat as-Safa. These organisations, supported by various experts, assist family members in making healthier and more informed decisions in resolving family disputes.
Legal and practical difficulties are encountered in the implementation of family mediation in Morocco. One of the main obstacles is the lack of legal regulations concerning family mediation. The absence of direct and explicit provisions regarding mediation in the Moroccan Family Code prevents mediation practises from gaining an institutional identity. Moreover, the insufficient development of public awareness regarding family mediation makes it difficult for this method to be adopted. On the other hand, although civil society organisations strive to effectively implement family mediation, they do not receive sufficient material and moral support. This situation negatively affects the sustainability of the mediation services. The lack of continuous support from official bodies, especially financially, disrupts the mediation services provided by civil society organisations and, in some cases, even causes these services to cease.
Morocco has gained various experiences in its efforts to activate the method of family mediation in resolving disputes among family members. This study argues that the positive and negative experiences Morocco has gained in this field will guide in forming an exemplary family mediation model. The negative factors that prevent family mediation activities in Morocco from achieving the desired level of success and becoming widespread across the country indicate that these deficiencies need to be addressed when creating an effective family mediation model. In addition, the efforts of civil society organisations in Morocco to develop family mediation and their significant success in mediation initiatives among family members demonstrate the great value of these organisations’ experiences. Indeed, gaining the support of civil society organisations is indispensable regarding communicating with people and embedding family mediation in society. Based on these arguments, the following measures should be taken while establishing an effective family mediation system: First and foremost, a comprehensive and clear legal framework for family mediation should be established. Legal regulations should detail all stages, from initiating the mediation process to the legal binding nature of its outcomes. In societies where this method is not widespread, recourse to mediation should be made mandatory, and separate mediation offices under the authority of the judiciary, yet independent of the courts, should be established for these processes. The establishment of officially recognised mediation centres will enhance the institutional applicability of these services. The provision of professional and impartial services by these centres will ensure that the process protects the rights of the parties and achieves a fair outcome.
Comprehensive training programmes should be developed to ensure that mediators have professional competencies, and certification processes should be standardised. These training programmes should include legal knowledge, family dynamics, psychology, and effective communication skills. The continuous monitoring and evaluation of the quality and effectiveness of mediation processes will be an important factor in increasing the success of the model. Additionally, supporting civil society organisations alongside official mediation offices will contribute to resolving disputes outside the courts and reducing the burden on the judiciary. A gradual approach can be adopted in this context. Initially, organisations capable of resolving disputes outside the court should be supported, and if disputes are brought to court, family mediation offices within the judiciary should be activated. Moreover, awareness must be raised for the community to recognise mediation as an effective method for resolving family disputes. Therefore, awareness campaigns, educational programmes, and community events should be organised through media campaigns. Ensuring that mediation services are accessible to all segments of society, keeping costs low or offering them free of charge for certain groups, will contribute to the process becoming more widespread. Furthermore, the mediation process should be aligned with societal and cultural values, and structured considering local norms. In Türkiye, the proposed family mediation model can be implemented with the support of existing institutions and organisations. As in Morocco, the support of civil society organisations (CSOs) is crucial for the effective implementation of family mediation in Türkiye. On the other hand, since provincial mufti offices in Türkiye are recognised as religious authorities, establishing Family Mediation Offices within these mufti offices could be effective in resolving family disputes and reducing divorces. Applications to the Directorate of Religious Affairs show a societal need for such a service.