Review of Articles Published Between 2014 and 2023 on Toxic Leadership Using Bibliometric Analysis: Comparison of DergiPark and Web of Science Databases
Timur Köse, Duygu Toplu YaşlıoğluThis study covers articles on toxic leadership published in DergiPark and Web of Science in the last decade (2014-2023). The aim of this study is to provide information about articles on toxic leadership in the literature, to reveal its limitations, and to determine the differences between articles written on DergiPark and WoS platforms. A review was conducted on DergiPark and WoS, and 44 and 124 articles were found in the DergiPark and 124 articles were found in the WoS. The 168 articles were evaluated according to publication years, number of authors, number of citations, type, related variables, and sample groups. It was observed that there were more publications on the WoS than on the DergiPark, and articles on the WoS were cited more. The study found that the emphasis on toxic leadership is increasing daily. It has been observed that very few studies have examined publications on toxic leadership, and no study has compared DergiPark and WoS platforms. This study is important for observing and evaluating the current state of toxic leadership literature. In addition, it may lead to future studies in the context of related variables.