Research Article

DOI :10.26650/ihid.22.004   IUP :10.26650/ihid.22.004    Full Text (PDF)

Effects of Quashing Individual Administrative Acts by the Administrative Judiciary on Third Parties

Ali D. Ulusoy

This study examines the impact of an administrative court’s annulment decision on third parties affected by an administrative act who have not filed legal action against it, especially in terms of the individual acts subjected to annulment. Although the effects of such decisions are generally contentious, third parties who have not filed legal action against the regulation can still benefit from annulment decisions regarding regulatory acts. However, whether third parties who have not filed legal action against the transaction can also benefit when individual transactions are annulled by the administrative judiciary is a neglected and insufficiently examined issue addressed in this study. In conclusion, in the context of the objective nature of an administrative jurisdiction’s annulment decision and the final judgment authority of judicial decisions, even if the context administrative act is an individual act rather than a regulatory act, third parties affected by the act but not engaged in legal proceedings may still benefit from the effects and consequences of the annulment decision given by the court.

DOI :10.26650/ihid.22.004   IUP :10.26650/ihid.22.004    Full Text (PDF)

Bireysel İdari İşlemlerin İdari Yargı Tarafından İptalinin Üçüncü Kişilere Etkisi

Ali D. Ulusoy

Çalışmada incelenen konu, bir idari işleme karşı idari yargıda verilen iptal kararının, o işlemden etkilenen ancak işleme karşı dava açmamış olan 3. kişileri etkileyip etkilemeyeceğinin özellikle hakkında iptal kararı verilen bireysel işlemler açısından irdelenmesidir. İdari yargıda verilen iptal kararlarının etki ve sonuçları genelde tartışmalı bir konu olmakla birlikte, düzenleyici işlemler hakkında verilen iptal kararlarından bu düzenleme hakkında dava açmamış olan 3. Kişilerin de yararlanabileceği genelde sorunsuz biçimde kabul görmesine karşın, bireysel işlemlerin idari yargı tarafından iptal edilmesi durumunda işbu iptal kararından işleme karşı dava açmamış olan 3. kişilerin de yararlanıp yararlanamayacağı konusu genelde ihmal edilmiş ve yeterince incelenmemiş bir konudur. Çalışma esas olarak bu hususu incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Varılan sonuç ise idari yargıdaki iptal kararlarının objektif niteliği ve yargı kararlarının kesin hüküm otoritesi bağlamında, davaya konu edilen idari işlem düzenleyici değil bireysel işlem de olsa, mahkemece verilen iptal kararının etki ve sonuçlarından o işleme karşı dava açmamış olan ancak işlemden etkilenen 3. kişilerin de yararlanabileceği yönündedir.

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Ulusoy, A.D. (2023). Effects of Quashing Individual Administrative Acts by the Administrative Judiciary on Third Parties. Journal of Administrative Law and Administrative Sciences, 0(22), 87-97.


Ulusoy A D. Effects of Quashing Individual Administrative Acts by the Administrative Judiciary on Third Parties. Journal of Administrative Law and Administrative Sciences. 2023;0(22):87-97.


Ulusoy, A.D. Effects of Quashing Individual Administrative Acts by the Administrative Judiciary on Third Parties. Journal of Administrative Law and Administrative Sciences, [Publisher Location], v. 0, n. 22, p. 87-97, 2023.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Ulusoy, Ali D.,. 2023. “Effects of Quashing Individual Administrative Acts by the Administrative Judiciary on Third Parties.” Journal of Administrative Law and Administrative Sciences 0, no. 22: 87-97.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Ulusoy, Ali D.,. Effects of Quashing Individual Administrative Acts by the Administrative Judiciary on Third Parties.” Journal of Administrative Law and Administrative Sciences 0, no. 22 (Feb. 2025): 87-97.

Harvard: Australian Style

Ulusoy, AD 2023, 'Effects of Quashing Individual Administrative Acts by the Administrative Judiciary on Third Parties', Journal of Administrative Law and Administrative Sciences, vol. 0, no. 22, pp. 87-97, viewed 3 Feb. 2025,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Ulusoy, A.D. (2023) ‘Effects of Quashing Individual Administrative Acts by the Administrative Judiciary on Third Parties’, Journal of Administrative Law and Administrative Sciences, 0(22), pp. 87-97. (3 Feb. 2025).


Ulusoy, Ali D.,. Effects of Quashing Individual Administrative Acts by the Administrative Judiciary on Third Parties.” Journal of Administrative Law and Administrative Sciences, vol. 0, no. 22, 2023, pp. 87-97. [Database Container],


Ulusoy AD. Effects of Quashing Individual Administrative Acts by the Administrative Judiciary on Third Parties. Journal of Administrative Law and Administrative Sciences [Internet]. 3 Feb. 2025 [cited 3 Feb. 2025];0(22):87-97. Available from: doi: 10.26650/ihid.22.004


Ulusoy, AliD.. Effects of Quashing Individual Administrative Acts by the Administrative Judiciary on Third Parties”. Journal of Administrative Law and Administrative Sciences 0/22 (Feb. 2025): 87-97.


Published Online29.12.2023


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