Research Article

DOI :10.26650/ihid.ihid.24.004   IUP :10.26650/ihid.ihid.24.004    Full Text (PDF)

The Administration and the Future Approach: Assessments on the Place and Outlook of the Future Foresight of the Administration in Administrative Activities

Necip Taha Gür

In this study, the relationship between the administration and the future is analysed in terms of administrative activities.

The examination of the multidisciplinary dimension of the legal foresight of the administration by using the legal futurology perspective is evaluated through the subtitle of administrative activities. Based on the assumption that the administration will not only deal with the needs of the present but also, foresight in terms of administrative law, which is a step or antecedent of public service, law enforcement, encouragement-support and planning activities by foreseeing the future, has been examined within the scope of the administrative activities of the administration, which are analysed as forecasting and alternative specifications in the literature. After it is demonstrated that the legal instruments used by the administration in foresight are essentially non-executive in nature, the place of internal order procedures and flexible procedures in the activity is discussed. The administrative procedural rules to be followed by the administration, either by itself or by private law legal entities, in making proposals, reports, opinions and, similar transactions regarding future foresight are evaluated from the perspective of administrative law in the light of procedures examined in administrative sciences. The necessity of a multidimensional approach in the foresight of the administration and the importance of this approach in the proper execution of other administrative activities, the importance of the rules of administrative procedure in this regard, and the necessity of conducting the issue through different principles, such as requiring the participation of wide circles, are examined.

DOI :10.26650/ihid.ihid.24.004   IUP :10.26650/ihid.ihid.24.004    Full Text (PDF)

İdare ve Gelecek Yaklaşımı: İdarenin Gelecek Öngörüsünün İdari Faaliyetlerdeki Yeri ve Görünümü Hakkında Değerlendirmeler

Necip Taha Gür

Bu çalışmada, bir yaklaşım denemesi olarak idare ve gelecek ilişkisi, idari faaliyetler yönüyle ele alınmıştır. İdarenin hukuk fütürolojisi bakışından yararlanarak hukuki öngörüde bulunmasının çok disiplinli boyutunun incelenmesi, idari faaliyetler üst başlığı üzerinden değerlendirilmiştir. İdarenin, yalnızca şimdinin ihtiyaçlarıyla ilgilenmeyeceği kabulünden hareketle, geleceği öngörmek suretiyle kamu hizmeti, kolluk, özendirme-destekleme, planlama faaliyetlerinin bir basamağı veya öncülü mahiyetinde olan idare hukuku yönüyle hukuki öngörü, literatürde idarenin öngörme ve alternatif belirtme olarak incelenen idari faaliyet türü kapsamında inceleme altına alınmıştır. Böyle bir incelemede, idarenin geleceğe yönelik öngörüsünün gerekliliği ve önemi tartışılmıştır. İdarenin öngörüde kullandığı hukuki araçların esas itibariyle icrai nitelik arzetmediği ortaya konulduktan sonra iç düzen işlemleri ve esnek işlemlerin faaliyetteki yeri ele alınmıştır. İdarenin bu faaliyeti yerine getirirken kendi eliyle ya da özel hukuk tüzel kişileri eliyle öneri, rapor, görüş ve benzeri mahiyetteki gelecek öngörüsüne dair işlemlerde takip edeceği idari usul kuralları, idare bilimlerinde inceleme altına alınan usuller ışığında idare hukuku perspektifiyle değerlendirilmiştir. İdarenin sorumluluğunu kaldıran veya azaltan hallerden olan mücbir sebep ve beklenilmeyen halin bir özelliği olan öngörülemezliğin, idarenin öngörüsüyle ortadan kalkması ihtimalinin idarenin sorumluğuna etkisi tartışılmıştır. İdarenin öngörüsünde çok boyutlu yaklaşım gerekliliği ve bunun diğer idari faaliyetlerin gereği gibi yürütülmesindeki önemi; bu konuda idari usul kurallarının önem arzetmesi, konunun geniş çevrelerin katılımını gerektirmesi gibi farklı ilkeler üzerinden yürütülmesi gerekliliği incelenmiştir.

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Gür, N.T. (2024). The Administration and the Future Approach: Assessments on the Place and Outlook of the Future Foresight of the Administration in Administrative Activities. Journal of Administrative Law and Administrative Sciences, 0(23), 95-113.


Gür N T. The Administration and the Future Approach: Assessments on the Place and Outlook of the Future Foresight of the Administration in Administrative Activities. Journal of Administrative Law and Administrative Sciences. 2024;0(23):95-113.


Gür, N.T. The Administration and the Future Approach: Assessments on the Place and Outlook of the Future Foresight of the Administration in Administrative Activities. Journal of Administrative Law and Administrative Sciences, [Publisher Location], v. 0, n. 23, p. 95-113, 2024.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Gür, Necip Taha,. 2024. “The Administration and the Future Approach: Assessments on the Place and Outlook of the Future Foresight of the Administration in Administrative Activities.” Journal of Administrative Law and Administrative Sciences 0, no. 23: 95-113.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Gür, Necip Taha,. The Administration and the Future Approach: Assessments on the Place and Outlook of the Future Foresight of the Administration in Administrative Activities.” Journal of Administrative Law and Administrative Sciences 0, no. 23 (Mar. 2025): 95-113.

Harvard: Australian Style

Gür, NT 2024, 'The Administration and the Future Approach: Assessments on the Place and Outlook of the Future Foresight of the Administration in Administrative Activities', Journal of Administrative Law and Administrative Sciences, vol. 0, no. 23, pp. 95-113, viewed 2 Mar. 2025,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Gür, N.T. (2024) ‘The Administration and the Future Approach: Assessments on the Place and Outlook of the Future Foresight of the Administration in Administrative Activities’, Journal of Administrative Law and Administrative Sciences, 0(23), pp. 95-113. (2 Mar. 2025).


Gür, Necip Taha,. The Administration and the Future Approach: Assessments on the Place and Outlook of the Future Foresight of the Administration in Administrative Activities.” Journal of Administrative Law and Administrative Sciences, vol. 0, no. 23, 2024, pp. 95-113. [Database Container],


Gür NT. The Administration and the Future Approach: Assessments on the Place and Outlook of the Future Foresight of the Administration in Administrative Activities. Journal of Administrative Law and Administrative Sciences [Internet]. 2 Mar. 2025 [cited 2 Mar. 2025];0(23):95-113. Available from: doi: 10.26650/ihid.ihid.24.004


Gür, NecipTaha. The Administration and the Future Approach: Assessments on the Place and Outlook of the Future Foresight of the Administration in Administrative Activities”. Journal of Administrative Law and Administrative Sciences 0/23 (Mar. 2025): 95-113.


Published Online02.12.2024


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