Research Article

DOI :10.26650/ihid.23.006   IUP :10.26650/ihid.23.006    Full Text (PDF)

The Growing Power of Judges in Democratic Political Systems: Causes and Manifestations

Bertrand Mathieu

The rise of judicial power is one of the major developments in contemporary constitutional law. This is reflected particularly by the multiplication of the courts’ function and the corresponding strengthening of their normative power. This expansion of judicial power is occurring within a favorable legal, social and political context, notably due to the prominent role that fundamental rights hold across all areas of the law, the increasing criminalization of political and social life, and the role of courts in the regulation of relationships between legal orders. Judges hold genuine normative power, as evidenced, for example, by the constructive case law of the European Court of Human Rights or the use of the principle of proportionality. Furthermore, in France, administrative judges are vested with injunctive powers. The transformation of the judiciary into a real power, or its aspiration to become one, is part of a broader trend of dilution of state power. The judiciary’s role in the building of a new non-state legal order, such as the European Union or the Council of Europe, is an illuminating demonstration of the role of the judiciary in contemporary societies.

DOI :10.26650/ihid.23.006   IUP :10.26650/ihid.23.006    Full Text (PDF)

La Montée en Puissance des Juges dans Les Systèmes Politiques Démocratiques : Causes et Manifestations

Bertrand Mathieu

La montée en puissance du pouvoir juridictionnel constitue l’une des évolutions majeures du droit constitutionnel contemporain. Elle se traduit, notamment, par une multiplication des fonctions du juge et un renforcement corrélatif de son pouvoir normatif. Ce développement du pouvoir des juges s’opère dans un contexte juridique, social et politique favorable, tenant, notamment, à la place occupée par les droits fondamentaux dans l’ensemble des branches du droit, à la pénalisation de la vie politique et sociale et au rôle joué par les juges dans la régulation des rapports entre les ordres juridiques. Les juges disposent d’un véritable pouvoir normatif comme en témoignent, par exemple, la jurisprudence constructive de la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme ou l’usage du principe de proportionnalité Par ailleurs, en France, le juge administratif se trouve doté de pouvoirs d’injonction. La transformation de la justice en véritable pouvoir ou son aspiration à l’être, s’inscrit dans un mouvement plus vaste de dilution du pouvoir d’Etat. La place de la justice dans la construction d’un nouvel ordre juridique non étatique comme l’Union européenne ou le Conseil de l’Europe, constitue une manifestation éclairante de la place de la justice dans les sociétés contemporaines. 

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Mathieu, B. (2024). The Growing Power of Judges in Democratic Political Systems: Causes and Manifestations. Journal of Administrative Law and Administrative Sciences, 0(23), 27-44.


Mathieu B. The Growing Power of Judges in Democratic Political Systems: Causes and Manifestations. Journal of Administrative Law and Administrative Sciences. 2024;0(23):27-44.


Mathieu, B. The Growing Power of Judges in Democratic Political Systems: Causes and Manifestations. Journal of Administrative Law and Administrative Sciences, [Publisher Location], v. 0, n. 23, p. 27-44, 2024.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Mathieu, Bertrand,. 2024. “The Growing Power of Judges in Democratic Political Systems: Causes and Manifestations.” Journal of Administrative Law and Administrative Sciences 0, no. 23: 27-44.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Mathieu, Bertrand,. The Growing Power of Judges in Democratic Political Systems: Causes and Manifestations.” Journal of Administrative Law and Administrative Sciences 0, no. 23 (Mar. 2025): 27-44.

Harvard: Australian Style

Mathieu, B 2024, 'The Growing Power of Judges in Democratic Political Systems: Causes and Manifestations', Journal of Administrative Law and Administrative Sciences, vol. 0, no. 23, pp. 27-44, viewed 10 Mar. 2025,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Mathieu, B. (2024) ‘The Growing Power of Judges in Democratic Political Systems: Causes and Manifestations’, Journal of Administrative Law and Administrative Sciences, 0(23), pp. 27-44. (10 Mar. 2025).


Mathieu, Bertrand,. The Growing Power of Judges in Democratic Political Systems: Causes and Manifestations.” Journal of Administrative Law and Administrative Sciences, vol. 0, no. 23, 2024, pp. 27-44. [Database Container],


Mathieu B. The Growing Power of Judges in Democratic Political Systems: Causes and Manifestations. Journal of Administrative Law and Administrative Sciences [Internet]. 10 Mar. 2025 [cited 10 Mar. 2025];0(23):27-44. Available from: doi: 10.26650/ihid.23.006


Mathieu, Bertrand. The Growing Power of Judges in Democratic Political Systems: Causes and Manifestations”. Journal of Administrative Law and Administrative Sciences 0/23 (Mar. 2025): 27-44.


Published Online27.12.2024


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