
DOI :10.26650/SJ.2024.44.2.S1   IUP :10.26650/SJ.2024.44.2.S1    Full Text (PDF)

Ali Kamil Başar, “Governor of the Homeless”: “There was a very good atmosphere of solidarity and cooperation in the ‘Home for the Homeless’.”

Mehmet Ali Akyurt

DOI :10.26650/SJ.2024.44.2.S1   IUP :10.26650/SJ.2024.44.2.S1    Full Text (PDF)

“Evsizlerin Kaymakamı” Ali Kamil Başar: “Evsizler Evi’nde çok iyi bir dayanışma ve yardımlaşma ortamı vardı.”

Mehmet Ali Akyurt

Ali Kamil Başar, 1956 Zonguldak doğumlu. Liseyi Kabataş’ta yatılı okudu. Ankara Hukuk mezunu. Emekli kaymakam ve vali yardımcısı. 8. Kilometre başlıklı bir hatırat kitabı var (2006). Türkiye’de merkezi yönetimin taşra teşkilatına bağlı ilk ve tek “evsiz barınma evi”ni açan kişi. Beyoğlu Kaymakamı olduğu dönemde, 2003-2006 yılları arasında faaliyet gösteren “Beyoğlu Kaymakamlığı Evsizler Evi”nin mucidi, kurucusu, yürütücüsü, gönüllüsü. Kamu-sivil toplum işbirliğine dair örnek çalışmaları olan öncü bir devlet yetkilisi. Kendisiyle Türkiye evsizlik tarihinde kalmış, maalesef devamı veya tekrarı olmamış bu önemli deneyim hakkında konuştuk. Üzerinden 20 sene geçmiş olsa da sağ olsun, bizi kırmadı, kabul etti. Biz de kendisine buradan tekrar teşekkür ediyoruz. Türkiye’de evsizliğin nispeten yoğun yaşandığı il ve ilçelerde görev yapan vali ve kaymakamlara fikir vermesi, örnek olması temennisiyle. 

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Akyurt, M.A. (2024). Ali Kamil Başar, “Governor of the Homeless”: “There was a very good atmosphere of solidarity and cooperation in the ‘Home for the Homeless’.”. İstanbul University Journal of Sociology, 44(2), 379-394.


Akyurt M A. Ali Kamil Başar, “Governor of the Homeless”: “There was a very good atmosphere of solidarity and cooperation in the ‘Home for the Homeless’.”. İstanbul University Journal of Sociology. 2024;44(2):379-394.


Akyurt, M.A. Ali Kamil Başar, “Governor of the Homeless”: “There was a very good atmosphere of solidarity and cooperation in the ‘Home for the Homeless’.”. İstanbul University Journal of Sociology, [Publisher Location], v. 44, n. 2, p. 379-394, 2024.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Akyurt, Mehmet Ali,. 2024. “Ali Kamil Başar, “Governor of the Homeless”: “There was a very good atmosphere of solidarity and cooperation in the ‘Home for the Homeless’.”.” İstanbul University Journal of Sociology 44, no. 2: 379-394.

Chicago: Humanities Style

Akyurt, Mehmet Ali,. Ali Kamil Başar, “Governor of the Homeless”: “There was a very good atmosphere of solidarity and cooperation in the ‘Home for the Homeless’.”.” İstanbul University Journal of Sociology 44, no. 2 (Mar. 2025): 379-394.

Harvard: Australian Style

Akyurt, MA 2024, 'Ali Kamil Başar, “Governor of the Homeless”: “There was a very good atmosphere of solidarity and cooperation in the ‘Home for the Homeless’.”', İstanbul University Journal of Sociology, vol. 44, no. 2, pp. 379-394, viewed 10 Mar. 2025,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Akyurt, M.A. (2024) ‘Ali Kamil Başar, “Governor of the Homeless”: “There was a very good atmosphere of solidarity and cooperation in the ‘Home for the Homeless’.”’, İstanbul University Journal of Sociology, 44(2), pp. 379-394. (10 Mar. 2025).


Akyurt, Mehmet Ali,. Ali Kamil Başar, “Governor of the Homeless”: “There was a very good atmosphere of solidarity and cooperation in the ‘Home for the Homeless’.”.” İstanbul University Journal of Sociology, vol. 44, no. 2, 2024, pp. 379-394. [Database Container],


Akyurt MA. Ali Kamil Başar, “Governor of the Homeless”: “There was a very good atmosphere of solidarity and cooperation in the ‘Home for the Homeless’.”. İstanbul University Journal of Sociology [Internet]. 10 Mar. 2025 [cited 10 Mar. 2025];44(2):379-394. Available from: doi: 10.26650/SJ.2024.44.2.S1


Akyurt, MehmetAli. Ali Kamil Başar, “Governor of the Homeless”: “There was a very good atmosphere of solidarity and cooperation in the ‘Home for the Homeless’.””. İstanbul University Journal of Sociology 44/2 (Mar. 2025): 379-394.


Published Online03.01.2025


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