Research Article

DOI :10.26650/SJ.2024.44.2.0674   IUP :10.26650/SJ.2024.44.2.0674    Full Text (PDF)

Housing Instability and Roma Children’s Educational Engagement: Perspectives from Teachers and Volunteers

Ozan Uştuk

Inequalities experienced by the Roma remain a complex challenge, particularly in education. Despite various initiatives, their impact on the Roma communities’ daily lives has been limited. This article is based on applied research aimed at reducing early school-leaving rates among Roma children in Türkiye. The study highlights that the high rates of early school leaving cannot be fully understood without considering the profound impact of housing instability on their educational experiences. By exploring the intersection of educational challenges and housing insecurity through the perspectives of elementary school teachers, preschool teachers, and volunteering university students engaged with a Roma community, the findings reveal that the constant threat of displacement and inadequate living conditions severely disrupt educational engagement, undermining the stability necessary for academic success. However, these perspectives also expose critical gaps in understanding, particularly among educators who often overlook the significance of housing insecurity in shaping educational outcomes. By situating these challenges within the broader context of systemic housing issues, this research underscores the need for comprehensive, community-based interventions that address the root causes of educational inequities among Roma students. The study advocates for a holistic approach to educational equity—one that addresses both the material and psychological dimensions of housing insecurity, thereby creating pathways for genuine social mobility and inclusion for Roma children.

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Uştuk, O. (2024). Housing Instability and Roma Children’s Educational Engagement: Perspectives from Teachers and Volunteers. İstanbul University Journal of Sociology, 44(2), 631-653.


Uştuk O. Housing Instability and Roma Children’s Educational Engagement: Perspectives from Teachers and Volunteers. İstanbul University Journal of Sociology. 2024;44(2):631-653.


Uştuk, O. Housing Instability and Roma Children’s Educational Engagement: Perspectives from Teachers and Volunteers. İstanbul University Journal of Sociology, [Publisher Location], v. 44, n. 2, p. 631-653, 2024.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Uştuk, Ozan,. 2024. “Housing Instability and Roma Children’s Educational Engagement: Perspectives from Teachers and Volunteers.” İstanbul University Journal of Sociology 44, no. 2: 631-653.

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Uştuk, Ozan,. Housing Instability and Roma Children’s Educational Engagement: Perspectives from Teachers and Volunteers.” İstanbul University Journal of Sociology 44, no. 2 (Mar. 2025): 631-653.

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Uştuk, O 2024, 'Housing Instability and Roma Children’s Educational Engagement: Perspectives from Teachers and Volunteers', İstanbul University Journal of Sociology, vol. 44, no. 2, pp. 631-653, viewed 10 Mar. 2025,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Uştuk, O. (2024) ‘Housing Instability and Roma Children’s Educational Engagement: Perspectives from Teachers and Volunteers’, İstanbul University Journal of Sociology, 44(2), pp. 631-653. (10 Mar. 2025).


Uştuk, Ozan,. Housing Instability and Roma Children’s Educational Engagement: Perspectives from Teachers and Volunteers.” İstanbul University Journal of Sociology, vol. 44, no. 2, 2024, pp. 631-653. [Database Container],


Uştuk O. Housing Instability and Roma Children’s Educational Engagement: Perspectives from Teachers and Volunteers. İstanbul University Journal of Sociology [Internet]. 10 Mar. 2025 [cited 10 Mar. 2025];44(2):631-653. Available from: doi: 10.26650/SJ.2024.44.2.0674


Uştuk, Ozan. Housing Instability and Roma Children’s Educational Engagement: Perspectives from Teachers and Volunteers”. İstanbul University Journal of Sociology 44/2 (Mar. 2025): 631-653.


Published Online03.01.2025


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