Research Article

DOI :10.26650/iuturkiyat.710450   IUP :10.26650/iuturkiyat.710450    Full Text (PDF)

Function of Intertextual Relations in Araba Sevdası

Hasan Cuşa

Intertextuality means that a text is related to other texts and these relationships are created based on different methods. Psychoanalyst Julia Kristeva believes that no text is created from scratch and also a text carries traces from preceding texts, each text directly or indirectly affects each other from different perspectives, and therefore there is no pure text in her concept of intertextuality which she put forward and based on Mihail Bahtin's theory of speech. This view, adopted by literary theorists, forms the theoretical framework of intertextual relations. In this study, Araba sevdası, written by Recaizade Mahmut Ekrem, will be examined in terms of intertexual studies. The aims of this study is to put forward which techniques were used in this novel and how they were fictionalized in the perspective of intertextual relations. It is possible to say that intertextual relations have been shown in Araba Sevdası. These kinds of relationships emerge with references to the names of writers and works and are also expressed with quotations created by copying a few sentences exactly. Besides these references, when the novel is examined in the context of intertextual relations it is clear that the pastiche technique was used in order to copy some style of other works.

DOI :10.26650/iuturkiyat.710450   IUP :10.26650/iuturkiyat.710450    Full Text (PDF)

Araba Sevdası’nda Metinlerarası İlişkilerin İşlevi

Hasan Cuşa

Metinlerarasılık bir metnin başka metinlerle ilişkili olduğu ve bu ilişkilerin farklı yöntemlere bağlı olarak oluşturulduğu anlamına gelir. Psikanalist Julia Kristeva'nın Mihail Bahtin’in sözce kuramında yola çıkarak ortaya koyduğu metinlerarasılık kavramı hiçbir metnin sıfırdan yaratılmadığı, bir metnin kendisinden önce gelen metinlerden izler taşıdığı, her metnin farklı açılardan birbirini doğrudan ya da dolaylı olarak etkilediği ve bu nedenle saf bir metnin olmadığı görüşüne dayanır. Edebiyat teorisyenleri tarafından benimsenen bu görüş metinlerarası ilişkilerin kuramsal çerçevesini oluşturur. Bu çalışmada Recaizade Mahmut Ekrem’in Araba Sevdası adlı romanı metinlerarası ilişkiler bağlamında incelenecektir. Söz konusu romanda hangi tür yöntemlerin kullanıldığını tespit etmek ve bunların metinlerarası ilişkiler ışığında nasıl kurgulandığını ortaya koymak bu çalışmanın amacını oluşturmaktadır. Araba Sevdası romanında metinlerarası ilişkilerin farklı açılardan yansıdığını söylemek mümkündür. Bu tür ilişkiler bir taraftan yazar ve yapıt isimlerinin anılmasıyla yapılan göndergelerle ortaya çıkarken, diğer taraftan da birkaç cümlenin olduğu gibi kopyalanmasıyla oluşturulan alıntılarla meydana gelir. Bununla birlikte Araba Sevdası metinlerarası ilişkiler bağlamında incelendiğinde pastiş yöntemiyle başka bir metnin dil ve üslup özelliklerinin taklit edildiği görülür. 


The concept of intertextuality, put forward by Julia Kristeva in the 1960s, means that a text is generally related to the texts written before it, and each text is in a kind of exchange with other texts in different contexts, and also there is no absolute unique text. The term is reproduced from Soviet theoretician Mihail Bahtin’s theory of dialogism which is defined as the relationship of meaning that occurs during the conversation between two people. Bahtin who mentions the theory of dialogism in his work “Problems of Dostoevsky Poetics”, states that the discourse in some texts are. double- voiced Hence, he claims that the texts are constructed based on the dialogical relations. Kristeva, inspired byBahtin’s ideas, has developed his dialogical relations theory based on the principle that one discourse interacts with other discourses and asserts that one text relates to other texts from different angles. Thus, the dialogic relationship forms that emerge depending on the level of discourse leave their place to intertextual relations that are reduced to the text level.

 Intertextual techniques play a crucial role in the process of fictionalizing and analyzing text. While these techniques allow the author to establish a connection between his own work and other works when constructing his work, they also explain how the reader relates the author with other texts through these methods. The author, who uses intertextual methods, either integrates the elements of different texts into her own text or adapts them in a different way by making some changes.

When Araba Sevdası is examined within the framework of the intertextuality theory, it is seen that Bihruz, a main character in the novel, is keen on reading novels and poets. When Bihruz realizes that there is a similarity between his life and the characters of the novels he read he tries to establish a relationship between his life and the lives of the novels’ characters. He learns how the novel characters cope with their problems while he cannot handle those in his life. Hereby, he adopts this information which he learned from the books in order to solve his problems. His reading of different works and taking their heroes as examples shows that the intertextual relations are reflected in Araba Sevdası. 

 Intertextual relations that emerge as a result of the process of revealing the meaning pattern between the two texts from different angles in Araba Sevdası reflects the emotional and mental transformations of the Bihruz character. These relations also reveal the qualifications and expectations of the hero (Bihruz) of the novel. While the supplementary texts in the novel allow the main text to progress through different paths and the plot to be stratified, they reveal the intertextual relations network by articulating the text of the main text in loops. Intertextual relations network in the novel develops around the topics such as love and the pain of separation. Nevertheless intertextual networks allow the reader to associate with it and take the reader on an intertextual journey. In this journey, the ground has been prepared for the reader to relate to other texts depending on the main text.

The intertextual relations in Araba Sevdası provides information about the psychology of the character, as well as strikingly reflects his tragicomic situations conspicuously. When Bihruz read different literary works, he adopted the behaviour of the characters in those works. Thence, he acts like how they react in similar situations, and thinks in the same way as they do. In the intertextual context, the discourses of the heroes and the words of famous thinkers in the text were directly transferred to the text, and attempts were made to support the views put forward in the novel. Supplementary texts in the novel with the reference method showed that the main text has a wide range of subtexts.

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Cuşa, H. (2020). Function of Intertextual Relations in Araba Sevdası. Journal of Turkology, 30(2), 441-454.


Cuşa H. Function of Intertextual Relations in Araba Sevdası. Journal of Turkology. 2020;30(2):441-454.


Cuşa, H. Function of Intertextual Relations in Araba Sevdası. Journal of Turkology, [Publisher Location], v. 30, n. 2, p. 441-454, 2020.

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Cuşa, Hasan,. 2020. “Function of Intertextual Relations in Araba Sevdası.” Journal of Turkology 30, no. 2: 441-454.

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Cuşa, Hasan,. Function of Intertextual Relations in Araba Sevdası.” Journal of Turkology 30, no. 2 (May. 2024): 441-454.

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Cuşa, H 2020, 'Function of Intertextual Relations in Araba Sevdası', Journal of Turkology, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 441-454, viewed 21 May. 2024,

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Cuşa, H. (2020) ‘Function of Intertextual Relations in Araba Sevdası’, Journal of Turkology, 30(2), pp. 441-454. (21 May. 2024).


Cuşa, Hasan,. Function of Intertextual Relations in Araba Sevdası.” Journal of Turkology, vol. 30, no. 2, 2020, pp. 441-454. [Database Container],


Cuşa H. Function of Intertextual Relations in Araba Sevdası. Journal of Turkology [Internet]. 21 May. 2024 [cited 21 May. 2024];30(2):441-454. Available from: doi: 10.26650/iuturkiyat.710450


Cuşa, Hasan. Function of Intertextual Relations in Araba Sevdası”. Journal of Turkology 30/2 (May. 2024): 441-454.


Published Online30.11.2020


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