Research Article

DOI :10.26650/iuturkiyat.1356618   IUP :10.26650/iuturkiyat.1356618    Full Text (PDF)

Armeno-Turkish Proverbs and Idioms in Three Books

Zehra Hamarat Yardımcı

Proverbs are linguistic forms that reflect the thought patterns of a society by conveying thoughts and feelings in their most concise form. While the words in a proverb are concise, they have an extensive associative meaning. Proverbs are important for understanding a society and thus form the focus of this article, which aims to determine the use of proverbs in Turkish, which was the common language of communication for the peoples of different languages and cultures that made up Ottoman society, here dealing with Armenians in particular. For this purpose, the article discusses three books that had been published at the end of the Ottoman period in terms of the Turkish proverbs they contain in the Armenian alphabet. To achieve this goal, the study examines the books Kıssadan Hisse [Moral of the Story], Hazır Cevap [Readied Answers], and 50 Aradzabadum [Collection of 50 Proverbs]. The text analysis identified a total of 112 Turkish proverbs and idioms in Armenian script in these three books. Some of the expressions recorded in these books may not strictly be proverbs or idioms but were famous colloquial phrases of the time. Moreover, based on the Armenian work 50 Aradzabadum, this study is able to assert that some proverbs and idioms were known among Armenians, as well as their accompanying stories, some of which were narrated under the name Nasreddin Hodja. Armenians coexisted with Ottoman society and did not remain indifferent to the Turkish language; they frequently used these proverbs and idioms, which contributed to their preservation.

DOI :10.26650/iuturkiyat.1356618   IUP :10.26650/iuturkiyat.1356618    Full Text (PDF)

Ermeni Harfli Türkçe Atasözleri ve Deyimler İhtiva Eden Üç Kitap

Zehra Hamarat Yardımcı

Atasözleri ve deyimler bir toplumun düşünce kalıplarını en öz biçimde aktaran dil formlarıdır. Sözceleri az ve öz, çağrışım dünyası ise çok geniştir. Toplumun davranış kalıplarını anlama adına önemli veriler sunan atasözleri ve deyimler bu makalenin konusudur. Makalede Osmanlı toplumunu oluşturan farklı dil ve kültürden insanların –özellikle Ermenilerin– ortak iletişim dili olan Türkçenin atasözlerini kullanım biçimlerini tespit etmek amaçlanmış ve Osmanlı döneminin sonlarında yayımlanmış olan üç kitap, ihtiva ettikleri Ermeni harfli Türkçe atasözleri bakımından ele alınmıştır. Söz konusu kitaplar Kıssadan Hisse (1900), Hazır Cevap (1890) ve 50 Aradzabadum (1897) adlarını taşımaktadır. Metin tarama yoluyla incelenen bu üç kitapta toplam 112 Ermeni harfli Türkçe atasözü ve deyim tespit edilmiştir. Bu kitaplarda atasözü veya deyim olarak kaydedilmiş ifadelerin bir kısmının atasözü ve deyim olmasa da o dönemde halk arasında meşhur olan halk tabirlerinden olduğunu söylemek mümkündür. Makalede tespit edilen Ermeni harfli Türkçe atasözlerinin bir kısmına, taranan sözlük ve benzeri çalışmaların hiçbirinde rastlanamamıştır. Bazılarının ise yaygın olarak kullanıldığı anlaşılmıştır. Ayrıca 50 Aradzabadum adlı Ermenice eserden hareketle bazı Türkçe atasözü ve deyimlerin Ermeniler arasında hikâyeleri ile bilindiğini söylemek mümkündür ki bu hikâyelerin bazıları Nasreddin Hoca adına bağlı olarak anlatılmaktadır. Ermeniler, içinde yaşadıkları Osmanlı toplumunda Türk diline kayıtsız kalmamış, hem bu atasözleri ve deyimleri sıklıkla kullanmış hem de bunların kayıt altına alınmasına katkıda bulunmuşlardır. 


This article focuses on Armeno-Turkish proverbs. Proverbs are believed to reflect the societies in which they are produced and perpetuated, and Ottoman-era proverbs are assumed to also reflect the cultural interactions in Ottoman society in linguistic terms. Therefore, this article limits its scope to proverbs written in the Armenian alphabet. People from different linguistic and cultural backgrounds in Ottoman society facilitated communications using the Turkish language. Armenians in particular preferred Turkish in their daily lives. They not only frequently used Turkish proverbs but also compiled Turkish-Armenian dictionaries. 

This article examines three books containing Armeno-Turkish proverbs that have yet been analyzed in any other study. After identifying the proverbs and idioms in these three books, the article investigates whether they had been previously published as Armeno-Turkish proverbs. Additionally, the article determines if the same or similar proverbs can be found in commonly used Turkish proverb dictionaries.

The first book examined in the article is Kıssadan Hisse [Moral of the Story]. Kıssadan Hisse does not function as a complete dictionary but rather includes proverbs alongside moral and religious topics. It has a total of 40 proverbs. What makes this book significant is that it provides the meanings of the proverbs along with the proverbs themselves. After presenting the proverb, the author also conveys its meaning through verses and a small number of quatrains. Recording proverbs with their meanings was uncommon in the pre-Republic era, making this book a rare examples. Furthermore, the brief introduction Dadıryan wrote about the proverbs before conveying them is valuable. He mentions that, while the proverbs are commonly used, their true meanings are often unknown.

Some of the proverbs found in Kıssadan Hisse are still widely used in the Turkish language today. However, some proverbs in this book such as “Hastalar başında ölüler yatar” [The dying are laid at the head of the ill], “Ahz u ita mihenk taşıdır” [Keeping one’s word is the touchstone], and “Ölüm kaş ile kirpik arasındadır” [Death is between the eyebrow and eyelash] should be noted as absent in commonly used dictionaries. Additionally, some proverbs in this book have slightly different meanings from their modern interpretations. For instance, the proverb “Baskısız yongayı yel götürür” [A swing with no weight is carried away by the wind] is interpreted differently in the book. While the contemporary meaning emphasizes that young people not under strict guidance can go astray, Kıssadan Hisse emphasizes that leaving individuals to themselves leads to laziness. Apart from a few examples like this, most of the proverbs align with their modern interpretations.

The second book examined in the article is Hazır Cevap [Readied Answers]. In Hazır Cevap, proverbs and idioms are presented under the headings of darb-ı mesel [strinking proverbs] and durub-ı emsal [similar idioms]. The book, written in Turkish with Armenian letters, includes a total of 30 proverbs and idioms. However, not all expressions presented as darb-ı mesel or durub-ı emsal can be classified strictly as proverbs or idioms. For example, the saying “Temiz lisan kişinin şanu şerefi olduğu gibi, fena söhbet dahi söyleyenin badi-i mezelleti olacağı aşikârdır” [Just as clean language shows one’s honor and glory, bad conversation clearly shows the speaker’s disgrace] is neither a proverb nor idiom. Nevertheless, these expressions are understood to have been colloquial phrases known and used at that time. Moreover, some expressions presented as darb-ı mesel in this book, such as “Kulak kalbin yoludur” [The ear is the path to the heart] and “İtaat etmek bilmeyene emr etmek lazım değildir” [Orders need not be given to one who does not understand obedience] should be noted to have been absent in the dictionaries examined herein.

The third book this article examined is 50 Aradzabadum [Collection of 50 Proverbs]. This book contains 48 proverbs and their stories. The book states that the stories accompanying these proverbs were taken from La Fontaine, Ezop, Khigar, Krilov, and Nasreddin Hodja. Of these 48 proverbs, 42 are also written in Turkish using Armenian letters. The book does not specify which proverb belongs to which source. Only two of the proverbs with stories in this book are attributed to Nasreddin Hodja in Turkish sources. Additionally, some of the phrases presented here such as “Ya doğra, ya bas, ya çanakdan elini kes” [Either chop, squeeze, or cut your hand from the jug], “Sen kekligi endir yüze / Deveyi endirem düze” [You can’t lead quail to the front / I can’t lead camel straight], and “Göç yolının bekmezi, kimine yarar kimine yaramaz” [What is unexpected on the migration path, benefit some and not others] should also be noted as absent from Turkish dictionaries. In conclusion, Armeno-Turkish proverbs and idioms reflect the cultural interactions in Ottoman society. Armenians who used Turkish for common communication frequently used Turkish proverbs and at times even made changes to them.

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Hamarat Yardımcı, Z. (2023). Armeno-Turkish Proverbs and Idioms in Three Books. Journal of Turkology, 33(2), 881-911.


Hamarat Yardımcı Z. Armeno-Turkish Proverbs and Idioms in Three Books. Journal of Turkology. 2023;33(2):881-911.


Hamarat Yardımcı, Z. Armeno-Turkish Proverbs and Idioms in Three Books. Journal of Turkology, [Publisher Location], v. 33, n. 2, p. 881-911, 2023.

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Hamarat Yardımcı, Zehra,. 2023. “Armeno-Turkish Proverbs and Idioms in Three Books.” Journal of Turkology 33, no. 2: 881-911.

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Hamarat Yardımcı, Zehra,. Armeno-Turkish Proverbs and Idioms in Three Books.” Journal of Turkology 33, no. 2 (May. 2024): 881-911.

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Hamarat Yardımcı, Z. (2023) ‘Armeno-Turkish Proverbs and Idioms in Three Books’, Journal of Turkology, 33(2), pp. 881-911. (3 May. 2024).


Hamarat Yardımcı, Zehra,. Armeno-Turkish Proverbs and Idioms in Three Books.” Journal of Turkology, vol. 33, no. 2, 2023, pp. 881-911. [Database Container],


Hamarat Yardımcı Z. Armeno-Turkish Proverbs and Idioms in Three Books. Journal of Turkology [Internet]. 3 May. 2024 [cited 3 May. 2024];33(2):881-911. Available from: doi: 10.26650/iuturkiyat.1356618


Hamarat Yardımcı, Zehra. Armeno-Turkish Proverbs and Idioms in Three Books”. Journal of Turkology 33/2 (May. 2024): 881-911.


Published Online26.10.2023


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