Research Article

DOI :10.26650/iuturkiyat.1378618   IUP :10.26650/iuturkiyat.1378618    Full Text (PDF)

Crime, Law and Liberalism: Freedom of the Individual and Society in Halide Edib’s Crime Fictions

Seval Şahin

Halide Edib is an important figure in the world of literature in Turkey. In her literary works, she emphasizes a society beyond the East–West dichotomy that preoccupied Turkey for many years and the possibility of such a society. The element that helps her overcome this dichotomy is liberalism. In Edib’s liberalism, which sometimes oscillates between nationalism and conservatism, the freedom of the individual and opinion, and the principle of the rule of law that will ensure this freedom have an important place. Against authoritarian regimes, she states that the idea of individual and intellectual freedom will bring cultural richness to social life. To show the connection between freedom and the rule of law in Edib’s relationship with liberalism, it is essential to look at her detective works Yolpalas Cinayeti (1937) and Kızıl Hançerler (1964), which have not been included in considerations of Edib’s literature so far, because they address the relationship between crime and the individual directly; here, how the law works is accompanied by the knowledge of how the individual uses it in favor of her own freedom. In this paper, the relationship between her association of the freedom of the community and the individual with crime through her hardboiled novels, and her changing liberal ideas over the years will be discussed, and the relationship between the connection of her hardboiled novels with the rule of law, which forms the basis of her liberal ideas, and the fact that she wrote the first of these works outside Turkey and the second in Turkey will be highlighted.

DOI :10.26650/iuturkiyat.1378618   IUP :10.26650/iuturkiyat.1378618    Full Text (PDF)

Suç, Hukuk ve Liberalizm: Halide Edib’in Polisiye Eserlerinde Fert ve Cemiyet Hürriyeti

Seval Şahin

Halide Edib, Türkiye’nin edebiyat ve düşün dünyasının önemli isimlerindendir. Eserlerinde uzun yıllar Türkiye’yi meşgul eden Doğu-Batı dikotomisinin ötesinde bir toplum ve bunun mümkünlüğü üzerinde durur. Bu dikotomiyi aşmada ona yardımcı olan unsur ise liberalizmdir. Halide Edib’in zaman zaman milliyetçiliğe zaman da muhafazakârlığa kayan bu liberalizminde fert ve fikir hürriyetiyle bunu sağlama alacak hukukun üstünlüğü ilkesi önemli bir yer tutar. Otoriter rejimlere karşı fert ve fikir hürriyeti düşüncesinin toplumsal hayata kültürel zenginliği getireceğini ifade eder. Onun liberalizm ile kurduğu ilişkide hürriyet ve hukukun üstünlüğü arasındaki bağlantıyı göstermek açısından polisiye olarak kaleme aldığı Yolpalas Cinayeti (1937) ve şimdiye kadar Halide Edib literatüründe yer almayan Kızıl Hançerler (1964) adlı polisiye eserlerine bakmak tür itibariyle doğrudan suç ve birey arasındaki ilişkiyi ortaya koymaları açısından önemlidir. Çünkü burada hukukun nasıl işlediği, bireyin onu nasıl kendi hürriyeti lehine çevirdiği bilgisiyle beraber gelir. Her iki eserde de suçlu olarak ortaya çıkarılan bireyleri işledikleri cinayetlere sevk eden cemiyetin yaşadığı hayattır. Eserlerde, her ikisi de cemiyetten uzaklaşan bu bireyler, ona ayak uyduramadıkları için suça itilmiştir. Cemiyetin onları kendi içine alıp “eritememesi” farklı unsurları bir araya getiren toplumdaki fertler arasındaki ahengi bozmuş, bu ahengin bozulması ferdin cemiyet içindeki durumunu tekinsizleştirmiştir. Bu sebeple her iki eserde de suçlular, hapishane yerine tımarhaneye kapatılırlar. Tımarhane onların sadece bedenini değil ruhunu da ehlileştirecektir. Cemiyetteki manevi değerlere, aile ve mahalle hayatına, buradaki dayanışmaya ve gelenekselliğe pek çok eserinde vurgu yapan Halide Edib’in suç söz konusu olduğunda ferdî hürriyet üzerine oturttuğu liberalizminin özünü oluşturan hukukun üstünlüğü ancak bu şekilde mümkün olabilir. Bu makalede onun polisiye eserleri aracılığıyla cemiyet ve fert hürriyetini suç ile birlikte anlatmasıyla yıllar içinde değişen liberal düşünceleri arasındaki ilişkilere değinilecek, polisiye eserlerinin onun liberal düşüncelerinin temelini oluşturan hukukun üstünlüğü ile kurduğu bağlantının bu eserlerin ilkini Türkiye dışında ikincisini ise Türkiye’de yazmasına paralel olduğu üzerinde durulacaktır.


In 1937, Halide Edib wrote her second detective novel, Kızıl Hançerler (The Red Daggers), following Yolpalas Cinayeti (Yolpalas Murder), which was first serialized in the Yedigün magazine and later published as a book. Kızıl Hançerler, Edib’s last work, was serialized in the Hayat magazine between January 23 and February 20, 1964. Edib’s lifelong interest in the detective genre began as a teenager by reading Sherlock Holmes stories, which continued throughout her life, and she followed American detective novels closely. Kızıl Hançerler, which was published by Şevket Rado after Edib’s death, has not been regarded as part of her works. This work tells the story of a young man who is interested in American gangster stories and his journey to become a gangster.

Almost thirty years have elapsed between these two hardboiled novels, and during this period, Edib moves from writing about a young girl who is known from the beginning and pushed by circumstances to commit murder, to writing about a gangster who turns out to be a murderer, and a psychopathic murderer at that. In this article, I will try to explain the reasons for Edib’s transition from writing about a girl who kills due to external circumstances, even to protect herself, to writing about a psychopathic killer, by examining the changing and unchanging elements in her work. In doing so, I will argue that her view of crime as a writer in 1930s Turkey, who writes from the outside looking in, and in 1960s Turkey, who writes from the inside looking out, are effective in creating these two types of protagonists. Further, I will argue that this transition affects her relationship with liberalism.

Halide Edib was living abroad during the years when Yolpalas Cinayeti was published. Before Yolpalas Cinayeti was published in Yedigün, one of the leading magazines of the period, with illustrations by Münif Fehim, the author wrote a series of articles about criminals and women’s prisons in England. After she died in 1964, the illustrations, made under the signature of Mihriban, accompany the Kızıl Hançerler serial published in Hayat magazine, which was not only one of the leading magazines of the period but also one of the most popular. America and Americanism play a dominant role in this work by a writer who looks from the inside out, and precisely because they play such an important role, the author turns the narrative of an innocent man propelled into crime by society in Yolpalas Cinayeti into the story of a psychopath who has been destabilized by the books he reads. Thus, she uses two different forms of the hardboiled genre. Both hardboiled novels emphasize the importance of society’s role in crime, but both evolve from the obvious crime featured in the first novel to the crime that has to hide itself in the second. In this evolution, it is clear that Edib, who talked about a liberalism that was closer to socialism in the late 1930s, embraced nationalist and conservative liberalism in the 1960s.

In Edib’s hardboiled novels, Yolpalas Cinayeti and Kızıl Hançerler the definition of crime is an important issue in the individual’s relationship with society and the law. In both works, it is the life of the society that drives the individuals, who are revealed as criminals, to commit murders. Both of them are pushed into crime because they are unable to abide by society’s rules. The inability of society to assimilate and absorb them has disrupted the harmony between individuals in society that brings together different elements. The tardiness of society’s realization of the deterioration of this harmony puts it in an untenable position vis-à-vis the individual. Therefore, in both novels, criminals are incarcerated in asylums instead of prisons. The asylum will tame not only their bodies but also their souls. In many of her works, Halide Edib emphasizes spiritual values in society, the solidarity of neighborhood life, and the traditionalism of this life. However, regarding crime, the supremacy of the law, which constitutes the essence of liberalism based on individual freedom, can only be possible in this way. Since the law is supreme, it not only punishes the individual but also undertakes the task of taming the individual. It decides the extent of this taming by considering material and moral aspects.

In parts of the fiction of Yolpalas Cinayeti and Kızıl Hançerler, multiple characters appear on stage and speak. In the first case, witnesses take the stand in a court scene and contribute to police reports; in the second case, news reports are made through the eyes of a journalist, with exaggerations mixed into these news and police reports. Different characters are accompanied by different narrative genres, turning the crime narrative into a polyphonic community narrative. Thus, with its thriller detective narrative that replaces the classical detective narrative, the plot leaves its importance to the stage and, in the case of Halide Edib, turns written and verbal communication between the members of society into a stage. In this way, the justice that will punish the criminal listens to individuals and does not close its ears to their voices.

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Şahin, S. (2023). Crime, Law and Liberalism: Freedom of the Individual and Society in Halide Edib’s Crime Fictions. Journal of Turkology, 33(2), 737-751.


Şahin S. Crime, Law and Liberalism: Freedom of the Individual and Society in Halide Edib’s Crime Fictions. Journal of Turkology. 2023;33(2):737-751.


Şahin, S. Crime, Law and Liberalism: Freedom of the Individual and Society in Halide Edib’s Crime Fictions. Journal of Turkology, [Publisher Location], v. 33, n. 2, p. 737-751, 2023.

Chicago: Author-Date Style

Şahin, Seval,. 2023. “Crime, Law and Liberalism: Freedom of the Individual and Society in Halide Edib’s Crime Fictions.” Journal of Turkology 33, no. 2: 737-751.

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Şahin, Seval,. Crime, Law and Liberalism: Freedom of the Individual and Society in Halide Edib’s Crime Fictions.” Journal of Turkology 33, no. 2 (May. 2024): 737-751.

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Şahin, S 2023, 'Crime, Law and Liberalism: Freedom of the Individual and Society in Halide Edib’s Crime Fictions', Journal of Turkology, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 737-751, viewed 3 May. 2024,

Harvard: Author-Date Style

Şahin, S. (2023) ‘Crime, Law and Liberalism: Freedom of the Individual and Society in Halide Edib’s Crime Fictions’, Journal of Turkology, 33(2), pp. 737-751. (3 May. 2024).


Şahin, Seval,. Crime, Law and Liberalism: Freedom of the Individual and Society in Halide Edib’s Crime Fictions.” Journal of Turkology, vol. 33, no. 2, 2023, pp. 737-751. [Database Container],


Şahin S. Crime, Law and Liberalism: Freedom of the Individual and Society in Halide Edib’s Crime Fictions. Journal of Turkology [Internet]. 3 May. 2024 [cited 3 May. 2024];33(2):737-751. Available from: doi: 10.26650/iuturkiyat.1378618


Şahin, Seval. Crime, Law and Liberalism: Freedom of the Individual and Society in Halide Edib’s Crime Fictions”. Journal of Turkology 33/2 (May. 2024): 737-751.


Published Online29.12.2023


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